- Bey, C., Petrov, E., Salimov, R.
On three-point generalizations of Branch and Edelstein fixed point theorems
Filomat 39:1, 185-195 (2025) (pdf)
- Prestin, J., Semenova, Y.V.
A Boolean sum interpolation for multivariate functions of bounded variation
Front. Appl. Math. Stat 10:1489137 (DOI)
- Bezborodov, V., Krueger, T., Pokalyuk, C., Szymański, P., Velleret, A.
Inter-city infections and the role of size heterogeneity in containment strategies
Preprint arXiv:2402.03100
- Dovgoshey, O., Prestin, J., Shevchuk, I.
Decomposition in direct sum of seminormed vector spaces and Mazur-Ulam theorem
Math. Slovaca 74(1), 143-150 (arXiv, DOI)
- Ghanem, S.
On uniform decay of the Maxwell fields on black hole space-times
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 36 (6), 2450012 (DOI)
- Birkner, M., Boenkost, F., Dahmer, I., Pokalyuk, C.
On the fixation probaility of an advantageous allele in a population with skewed offspring distribution
was published in the Electronic Journal of Probability 2024, Vol.29, paper no. 143, 1-22.
- Brouard, V., Pokalyuk, C., Seiler, M., Tran, H.
Spatial Invasion of Cooperative Parasites
Theoretical Population Biology,159, pp 35-58
- Prestin, J., Savchuk, V., Shidlich, A.
Approximation on hexagonal domains by Taylor-Abel-Poisson means
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 529 (2) (2024), 127536 (arXiv, DOI)
- Sonntag, M., Teichert, H.-M.
Edge intersection hypergraphs
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph theory 44(1) 101-126 (pdf)
- Rößler, A., Kastner, F.
An analysis of approximation algorithms for iterated stochastic integrals and a Julia and Matlab simulation toolbox
Numer. Algorithms, Vol. 93, No1, 27-66 (link, arXiv, Julia Software LevyArea.jl, Matlab Software LevyArea.m)
- von Hallern, C., Rößler, A.
A derivate-free Milstein type approximation method for for SPDEs covering the non-commutative noise case
Stoch. ODE: Anal. Comp., Vol 11, No.4, 1672-1731 (link, arXiv)
- Dovgoshey, O.A., Prestin, J., Shevchuk, I.O.
Bernstein-type characterization of entire functions
Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. 2023 No 1. 10-15 (DOI)
- Schoppert, F.
Direction sensitive analysis of higher order jump discontinuities along circles on the sphere
GEM Int. J. Geomath. 14 (7) (2023) (preprint, Springerlink)
- Schober, K., Prestin, J.
Analysis of directional higher order jump discontinuities with trigonometric shearlets
Math. Found. Comput. 6 (1) (2023), 14-40 (arXiv, DOI)
- Mrongwius, J., Rößler, A.
On the approximation and simulation of iterated stochastic integrals and the corresponding Levy areas in terms of a multidimensional Brownian motion
Stoch. Anal. Appl., Vol. 40, No. 3, 397-425 (link, arXiv)
- Brouard, V., Pokalyuk, C.
Invasion of parasites in moderately structured host populations
Stoch. Proc. Appl., 153, pp 221-263
- Mohr, M., Keller, K.
Aus den Auf- und Abwärtsbewegungen einer Zeitreihe lernen
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 30(1) (2022), 25-29
- Gutjahr, T., Keller, K.
On Rényi Permutation Entropy
Entropy 2022, 24(1), 37 (link)
- Gutjahr, T., Hale, S., Keller, K., Blum., P., Winter, S.
Quantification of fracture roughness by change probabilities and Hurst exponents
Math. Geosci. 54 (2022), 679-710 (link)
- Weiß, C., Ruiz Marín, M., Keller, K., Matilla-García, M.
Non-Parametric Analysis of Serial Dependence in Time Series using Ordinal Patterns
Comput. Stat. Data An. 168, April 2022, 107381
- Boenkost, F., Gonzáles Casanova, A., Pokalyuk, C., Wakolbinger, A.
Haldane's formula in Cannings models: The case of moderately strong selection
J Math Biol., 83(6-7):70
- Boenkost, F., Gonzáles Casanova, A., Pokalyuk, C., Wakolbinger, A.
Haldane's formula in Cannigs models: The case of moderately weak selection
Electron. J. Probab., 26(4)
- Keller, K. (editor)
Entropy Measures for Data Analysis II. Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Special Issue in Entropy 2021 (link)
- Kolomoitsev, Yu., Prestin, J.
Approximation properties of periodic multivariate quasi-interpolation operators
J. Approx. Theory 270, 105631 (2021) (arXiv, DOI)
- Gutjahr, T., Keller, K.
Generalized ordinal patterns and the KS-entropy
Entropy 2021, 23(8), 1097 (link)
- Piek, A.B., Petrov, E.
On a Weighted Generalization of Kendall's Tau Distance
Ann. Comb. 25 (2021), 33-50 (DOI)
- Schober, K., Prestin, J., Stasyuk, S.A.
Edge detection with trigonometric polynomial shearlets
Adv. Comput. Math. 47 (17) (2021) (preprint, Springerlink)
- Asharabi, R. M., Prestin, J.
Accurate sampling formula for approximating the partial derivatives of bivariate analytic functions
Numer. Algorithms 86 (2021), 1421-1441 (preprint, Springerlink)
- Annaby, M. H., Ayad, H. A., Prestin, J., Rushdi, M. A.
Multiparameter discrete transforms based on discrete orthogonal polynomials and their application to image watermarking
Signal Process.: Image Commun. 99 (2021) 116434 (DOI, Elsevierlink)
- Cohen, D., Debrabant, K., Rößler, A.
High order numerical integrators for single integrand Stratonovich SDEs
Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 158, 264-270 (link, arXiv)
- von Hallern, C., Rößler, A.
An Analysis of the Milstein Scheme for SPDEs without a Commutative Noise Condition
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2018, pp. 503-521, Springer-Verlag (link, arXiv)
- Loessner, H., Schlattmeier, I., Anders-Maurer, M., Bekeredjian-Ding, I., Rohde, C., Wittmann, J., Pokalyuk, C., Krut, O., Kamp, C.
Kinetic Fingerprinting Links Bacteria-Phage Interactions with Emergent Dynamics: Rapid Depletion of K. pneumoniae Indicates Phage Synergy
Antibiotics 9, 408
- Pokalyuk, C., Wakolbinger, A.
Maintenance of diversity in a hierarchical host-parasite model with balancing selection and reinfection
Stoch. Proc. Appl., 30(2), pp 1119-1158
- Cohen, D., Debrabant, K., Rößler, A.
High order numerical integrators for single integrand Stratonovich SDEs
Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 158, 264-270 (2020)
- Mohr, M., Wilhelm, F., Hartwig, M., Möller, R., Keller, K.
New Approaches in Ordinal Pattern Representations for Multivariate Time Series
in: Proceedings of the 33rd International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-20), 2020 (link)
- Gutjahr, T., Keller, K.
Ordinal Pattern Based Entropies and the Kolmogorov–Sinai Entropy: An Update
Entropy 2020, 22(1), 63 (link)
- Lauenroth, D., Bender, B., Boie, S., Kunze, B., Keller, K.
Der Zufall schlägt zu. Stochastischer Zugang zur Entstehung von Antibiotikaresistenzen
MNU Journal, Ausgabe 02.2020, Verlag Klaus Seeberger, Neuss (link)
- von Hallern, C., Rößler, A.
An Analysis of the Milstein Scheme for SPDEs without a Commutative Noise Condition
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2018, pp. 503-521, Springer-Verlag (2020) (arXiv)
- Prestin, J., Veselovska, H.
Prony-type polynomials and their common zeros
Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 6: 16 (2020) (DOI)
- Asharabi, R. M., Prestin, J.
Computing eigenpairs of two-parameter Sturm-Liouville systems using the bivariate sinc-Gauss formula
Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 19 (8) (2020), 4143-4158 (DOI)
- Derevianko, N., Prestin, J.
Approximation of Gaussians by spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis in the weighted Hilbert space
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 52 (2020), 249-269 (DOI)
- Keller, K., Petrov, E.
Ordinal spaces
Acta Math. Hungar. 2020, 160(1), 119–152 SharedIt link
- Wülker, C.
Fast SGL Fourier transforms for scattered data
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 49 (2020), 1107-1135 (arXiv)
- Sonntag, M., Teichert, H.-M.
Niche hypergraphs of products of digraphs
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 40(2020)1 279-295 (Abstract, DOI)
- Giles, M. B., Debrabant, K., Rößler, A.
Analysis of multilevel Monte Carlo path simulation using the Milstein discretisation
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. B, Vol. 24, No. 8, 3881-3903 (link, arXiv)
- Leonhard, C., Rößler, A.
Iterated stochastic integrals in infinite dimensions: approximation and error estimates
Stoch. PDE: Anal. Comp., Vol 7, No. 2, 209-239 (link, arXiv)
- Haghighi, A., Rößler, A.
Split-step double balanced approximation methods for stiff stochastic differential equations
Int. J. Comput. Math., Vol. 96, No. 5, 1030-1047 (link)
- Keller, K. (editor)
Entropy Measures for Data Analysis. Theory, Algorithms and Applications
MDPI, Basel, Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona, Belgrade (link)
- Piek, A. B., Keller, K., Stolz, I.
Algorithmics, Possibilities and Limits of Ordinal Pattern Based Entropies
Entropy 2019, 21(6), 547 (link)
- Kombrink, S., Samuel, T.
Fractal Geometry and Dynamics
Newsletter of the London Mathematical Society 481, March 2019 (link)
- Prestin, J., Savchuk, V., Shidlich, A.
Approximation theorems for multivariate Taylor-Abel-Poisson means
Stud. Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math. 64 (3) (2019), 313-329 (arXiv, journal link)
- Gutjahr, T., Keller, K.
Equality of Kolmogorov-Sinai and permutation entropy for one-dimensional maps consisting of countably many monotone parts
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A 39 (2019), 4207-4224 (arXiv)
- Krivoshein, A., Lebedeva, E., Prestin, J.
A directional uncertainty principle for periodic functions
Multidimensional Syst. Signal Process. 30 (2019), 1489-1515 (arXiv, Springerlink)
- Leonhard, C. and Rößler, A.
Iterated stochastic integrals in infinite dimensions: approximation and error estimates
Stoch. PDE: Anal. Comp., Vol. 7, No. 2, 209-239 (2019) (link) (arXiv)
- Giles, M. B., Debrabant, K. and Rößler, A.
Analysis of multilevel Monte Carlo path simulation using the Milstein discretisation
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. B, Vol. 24, No. 8, 3881-3903 (2019) (link) (arXiv)
- Haghighi, A. and Rößler, A.
Split-step double balanced approximation methods for stiff stochastic differential equations
Int. J. Comput. Math., Vol. 96, No. 5, 1030-1047 (2019) (link)
- Krivoshein, A., Lebedeva, E., Neiman, E., Prestin, J.
Directional Heisenberg uncertainty product
Math. Inequal. Appl. 22 (1) (2019), 377-399 (arXiv)
- Prestin, J., Wülker, C.
Translation matrix elements for spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis functions
GEM Int. J. Geomath. 10 (6) (2019) (arXiv, Springerlink)
- Kesseböhmer, M., Kombrink, S.
Minkowski measurability of infinite conformal graph directed systems and application to Apollonian packings
- Derevianko, N., Myroniuk, V., Prestin, J.
On an orthogonal bivariate trigonometric Schauder basis for the space of continuous functions
J. Approx. Theory 238 (2019), 67-84 (pdf, Elsevierlink)
- Leonhard, C., Rößler, A.
Enhancing the Order of the Milstein Scheme for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Commutative Noise
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol 56, No. 4, 2585-2622 (link, arXiv)
- Kombrink, S.
Renewal theorems for processes with dependent interarrival times
Advances in Applied Probability, 50(4), 1193-1216 doi:10.1017/apr.2018.56 (link)
- Leonhard, C. and Rößler, A.
Enhancing the Order of the Milstein Scheme for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Commutative Noise
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 56, No. 4, 2585-2622 (2018). (link) (arXiv)
- Semenov, V., Prestin, J.
Investigating the orthogonality conditions of wavelets based on Jacobi polynomials
Cybern. Syst. Anal. 54 (4) (2018), 678-686 (Springerlink)
- Fähnrich, A., Klein, S., Serg´e, A., Nyhoegen, C., Kombrink, S., Möller, S., Keller, K., Westermann, J., Kalies, K.
CD154 costimulation shifts the local T cell receptor repertoire not only during thymic selection but also during peripheral T-dependent humoral immune responses
Front. Immunol. 9:1019. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2018.01019 (link)
- Kombrink, S., Winter, S.
Lattice self-similar sets on the real line are not Minkowski measurable
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 1-12. doi:10.1017/etds.2018.26 (link)
- Paravicini, W., Scharlau, I. & Schnieder, J.
The Invisible Side of Mathematical Thinking: A Philosophical Approach
In P. Ernest et al. (Ed.). The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today. Heidelberg, Berlin, New York: Springer
- Friedewold, D., Kötter, L., Link, F., Schnieder, J.
Stolperstein Mathematik. Lernberatung für Studierende gestalten
Bielefeld, W.Bertelsmann Verlag
- Kolomoitsev, Y., Lomako, T., Prestin, J.
On Lp-error of bivariate polynomial interpolation on the square
J. Approx. Theory 229 (2018), 13-35 (arXiv)
- Bakan, A., Prestin, J.
Smoothing of weights in the Bernstein approximation problem
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2), (2018), 653-667 (arXiv)
- Karabash, I. M., Prestin, J.
Recovery of periodicities hidden in heavy-tailed noise
Math. Nachr. 291 (1) (2018), 86-102 (pdf, Wiley online)
- Unakafov, A.M., Keller, K.
Change-point detection using the conditional entropy of ordinal patterns
Entropy 20(9) (2018), 709 (pdf)
- Kombrink, S.
Renewal theorems for a class of processes with dependent interarrival times and applications in geometry
- Kubera, B., Leonhard, C., Rößler, A., Peters, A.
Stress-Related Changes in Body Form: Results from the Whitehall II Study
Obesity, Vol. 25, No. 9, 1625-S1632 (link)
- Pokalyuk, C., Renzette, N., Irwin, K., Pfeiffer, S., Gibson, L., Britt, W.J., Yamamoto, A.Y., Mussi-Pinhata, M.M., Kowalik, T.F., Jensen, J.D.
Characterizing and quantifying human cytomegalovirus infection in congenitally infected infants: an evolutionary perspective
Mol. Ecol., 26 (7), pp 1980-1990
- Dencker, P., Erb, W.
A unifying theory for multivariate polynomial interpolation on general Lissajous-Chebyshev nodes
- Dencker, P., Erb, W., Kolomoitsev, Yu., Lomako, T.
Lebesgue constants for polyhedral sets and polynomial interpolation on Lissajous-Chebyshev nodes
J. of Complexity 43 (2017), 1-27 (arXiv)
- Prestin, J., Savchuk, V., Shidlich, A.L.
Approximation of 2π-periodic functions by Taylor- Abel-Poisson operators in the integral metric
Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2017 (1), 17-20 (DOI)
- Bilet, V., Dovgoshey, O., Prestin, J.
Boundedness of Lebesgue constants and interpolating Faber bases
Naukovi Visti NTUU KPI 4 (2017), 7-16 (download)
- Keller, K., Mangold, T., Stolz, I., Werner, J.
Permutation Entropy: New Ideas and Challenges
Entropy 19(3) (2017), 134 (pdf)
- Jäckle, S., Keller, K.
Tsallis entropy and generalized Shannon additivity
Axioms 6(2) (2017), 14 (pdf)
- Stolz, I., Keller, K.
A General Symbolic Approach to Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy
Entropy 19(12) (2017), 675 (pdf)
- Prestin, J., Savchuk, V., Shidlich, A.L.
Direct and inverse approximation theorems of 2π-periodic functions by Taylor-Abel-Poisson operators (in Ukrainian)
Ukrains'kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal 69 (5), (2017), 657 - 669, english translation in Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 69 (5), (2017), 657 - 669 (arXiv, DOI)
- Derevianko, N., Myroniuk, V., Prestin, J.
Characterization of local Besov spaces via wavelet basis expansions
Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 3:4 (2017) (DOI)
- Bey, Ch.
An intersection theorem for systems of finite sets
Discrete Appl. Math. 216, No.3 (Levon Khachatrian's Legacy in Extremal Combinatorics), 524-528 (2017) (.pdf)
- Kesseböhmer, M., Kombrink, S.
A complex Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius Theorem for infinite Markov shifts with applications to renewal theory
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -- Series S 2(10), 335 - 352 (2017) (link)
- Prestin, J., Wülker, C.
Fast Fourier transforms for spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis functions
In: Novel Methods in Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 1: Frames and Other Bases in Abstract and Function Spaces, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhäuser Basel, 2017, 237-263 (Eds. I. Pesenson, Q. T. Le Gia, A. Mayeli, H. Mhaskar, and D.-X. Zhou) (Preprint)
- Paravicini, W., Schnieder, J.
In-depth interviews as a tool in didactics of mathematics
In R. Göller, R. Biehler, R. Hochmuth, H.-G. Rück (Hrsg.). Didactics of Mathematics in Higher Education as a Scientific Discipline – Conference Proceedings. Kassel, Germany: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel. ISBN 34-2016041950121, S. 438 - 443 (preprint)
- Dovgoshey, O., Petrov, E., Teichert, H.-M.
How rigid the finite ultrametric spaces can be?
J. of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 19(2017)2 1083-1102 (arXiv)
- Dencker, P. and Erb, W.
Multivariate polynomial interpolation on Lissajous-Chebyshev nodes
J. Approx. Theory 219 (2017), 15-45 (arXiv)
- Haghighi, A., Hosseini, S. M., Rößler, A.
Diagonally drift-implicit Runge-Kutta methods of strong order one for stiff stochastic differential system
J. Comp. Appl. Math., VOl. 293, 82-93 (link)
- Greven, A., Pfafelhuber, P., Pokalyuk, C., Wakolbinger, A.
The fixation time of a strongly benefitial allele in a structured population
EJP, 21 (61)
- Haghighi, A., Hosseini, S. M., and Rößler, A.
Diagonally drift-implicit Runge-Kutta methods of strong order one for stiff stochastic differential systems
J. Comp. Appl. Math., Vol. 293, 82-93 (2016) (link)
- Paravicini, W., Schnieder, J. (Hrsg.)
Lesen, schreiben, rechnen, heuristisch denken lernen - intelligentes Üben in der Hochschulmathematik
Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2014. Münster: WTM Verlag 2016
- Kaethner, C., Erb, W., Ahlborg, M., Szwargulski, P., Knopp, T. and Buzug, T. M.
Non-Equispaced System Matrix Acquisition for Magnetic Particle Imaging based on Lissajous Node Points
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35 No.11 (2016), 2476-2485, DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2016.2580458
- Erb, W., Kaethner, C., Ahlborg, M. and Buzug, T.M.
Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the node points of non-degenerate Lissajous curves
Numer. Math. 133, 4 (2016), 685-705 (Preprint)
- Erb, W.
Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the node points of Lissajous curves - the degenerate case
Appl. Math. Comput. 289 (2016) 409-425 (Preprint)
- Scharlau, I., Schnieder, J.
Reading Mathematical Texts with philosophical methods - extended paper for ICME13
In Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, No. 31 (November 2016) (Online) (preprint)
- Garske, C., Sonntag, M., Teichert, H.-M.
Niche hypergraphs
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 36(2016)4 819-832 (Abstract)
- Kolomoitsev, Y., Lomako, T., Prestin, J.
On approximation of functions by algebraic polynomials in Hölder spaces
Math. Nachr. 289 (2016), 2037-2057 (pdf)
- Kombrink, S., Pearse, E. J., Winter, S.
Lattice-type self-similar sets with pluriphase generators fail to be Minkowski measurable
Math Z. 283 (3), pp 1049-1070 (2016) (link)
- Link, F., Schnieder, J.
Mathematisch forschend lernen in der tertiären Bildung
W. Paravicini, J. Schnieder (Hrsg.): Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2014. Münster: WTM Verlag 2016 (preprint)
- Sonntag, M., Teichert, H.-M.
Products of digraphs and their competition graphs
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 36(2016)1 43-58 (Abstract)
- Langemann, D., Nesteruk, I., Prestin, J.
Comparison of mathematical models for the dynamics of the Chernivtsi children disease
Math. Comput. Simulation 123 (2016), 68-79 (pdf)
- Asharabi, R.M., Prestin, J.
On two-dimensional classical and Hermite sampling
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 36 (2016), 851-871 (pdf)
- Hoffkamp, A., Paravicini, W., Schnieder, J.
Denk- und Arbeitsstrategien zum Lernen von Mathematik am Übergang Schule - Hochschule
Biehler, R. et al. (Hrsg.): Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Studieneingangsphase, Springer Spektrum Verlag, 295-309 (preprint)
- Debrabant, K., Rößler, A.
On the acceleration of the multi-level Monte Carlo method
J. Appl. Probab., Vol 52, No. 2, 307-322 (link, arXiv)
- Küpper, D., Kværnø, A., Rößler, A.
Stability analysis and classification of Runge-Kutta methods for index 1 stochastic differential-algebraic equations with scalar noise
Appl. Numer. Math., Vol96, 24-44 (link, arXiv)
- Renzette, N., Pokalyuk, C., Gibson, L., Bhattacharjee, B., Schleiss, M.R., Hamprecht, K., Yamamoto, A.Y., Mussi-Pinhata, M.M., Britt, W.J., Jensen, J.D., Kowalik, T.F.
The Limits and Patterns of Human Cytomegalovirus Genetic Diversity in Humans
PNAS, 112(30), E4120-E4128
- Küpper, D., Kværnø, A. and Rößler, A.
Stability analysis and classification of Runge-Kutta methods for index 1 stochastic differential-algebraic equations with scalar noise
Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 96, 24-44 (2015) (link) (arXiv)
- Erb, W., Kaethner, C., Dencker, P., and Ahlborg, M.
A survey on bivariate Lagrange interpolation on Lissajous nodes
Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 8 (Special issue) (2015), 23-36 (Publication)
- Friedewold, D., Nikcolaisen, T., Schnieder, J.
Lehre in MINT konstruktiv gestalten. Hochschuldidaktische Qualifizierung in der Mathematik und den MINT-Fächern – Konzept, Praxis, Perspektiven
Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre (NHHL 3 73 15 12), L1.26 (preprint)
- Paravicini, W., Schnieder, J. (Hrsg.)
Tutorielle Lehre in der Hochschulmathematik. Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2013
Münster: WTM Verlag 2015
- Amigó, J.M., Keller, K. (editors)
Special issue on entropy, entropy-like quantities, and applications
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. B 20 (2015)
- Bracke, M., Friedewold, D., Schnieder, J.
Forschendes Lernen und Problemlösen im MINT-Bereich selbständigkeitsorientiert begleiten – ein fächerübergreifendes Ausbildungskonzept
Tagungsband zum 2. HDMINT Symposium 2015, 58-63 (preprint)
- Amigó, J., Keller, K., Unakafova, V.A.
On entropy, entropy-like quantities, and applications
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. B 20 (2015), 3301 - 3343
- Kesseböhmer, M., Kombrink, S.
Minkowski content and fractal Euler characteristic for conformal graph directed systems
J. Fractal Geom. 2 (2015), 171-227 (link)
- Schnieder, J., Link, F.
Forschendes Lernen in der Hochschulmathematik - Ansätze zur Weiterbildung von Dozierenden
In Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2015, 828 - 831 (preprint)
- Kolomoitsev, Y., Prestin, J.
Sharp estimates of approximation of periodic functions in Hölder spaces
J. Approx. Theory 200 (2015), 68-91 (pdf)
- Unakafova, V.A.
Investigating measures of complexity for dynamical systems and for time series
Dissertation, Universität zu Lübeck
- Unakafov, A.M.
Ordinal-patterns-based segmentation of time series with applications and discrimination to EEG data
Dissertation, Universität zu Lübeck
- Debrabant, K. and Rößler, A.
On the acceleration of the multi-level Monte Carlo method
J. Appl. Probab., Vol. 52, No. 2, (2015) (arXiv)
- Dovgoshey, O., Petrov, E., Teichert, H.-M.
On spaces extremal for the Gomory-Hu inequality
P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 7(2015)2 133-142 (arXiv)
- Hess, Ch., Scharlau, I., Schnieder, J.
Nur Zahlen und Zeichen ? Zum Nutzen des Schreibens in der Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik
Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre (NHHL 3 70 15 05), G 4.9 (preprint)
- Keller, K., Maksymenko, S., Stolz, I.
Entropy determination based on the ordinal structure of a dynamical system
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. B 20 (2015), 3507 - 3524 (arXiv)
- Friedewold, D., Nicolaisen, T., Schnieder, J.
Tutorienleitung und universitäres Fachcoaching in der Mathematik
W. Paravicini, J. Schnieder (Hrsg.): Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2013. Münster: WTM Verlag 2015, 121-139 (preprint)
- Friedewold, D., Nicolaisen, T., Schnieder, J.
Lernstrategien im Rahmen mathematischer Tutorien und tutorieller Fachcoachings
T. Nicolaisen, P. – Y. Martin (Hrsg.): Lernstrategien fördern: Modelle und Praxisszenarien, 258-281. Beltz. 2015 (preprint)
- Asharabi, R.M., Prestin, J.
A modification of Hermite sampling with a Gaussian multiplier
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimization 36 (2015), 419-437 (pdf)
- Bergmann, R., Prestin, J.
Multivariate periodic wavelets of de la Vallé Poussin type
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 21 (2015), 342-369 (pdf)
- Erb, W. und Semenova, E.V.
On adaptive discretization schemes for the solution of ill-posed problems with semiiterative methods
Appl. Anal. 94, 10 (2015), 2057-2076 (Preprint)
- Bilet, V., Dovgoshey, O., Prestin, J.
Two ideals connected with strong right upper porosity at a point
Czech. Math. J. 65 (2015), 713-737 (pdf)
- Amigó, J.M., Keller, K., Unakafova, V.A.
Ordinal symbolic analysis and its application to biomedical recordings
Phil. Trans. Royal. Soc. A 373:20140091 (2015) (pdf)
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Erwerb mathematischer Schreibkompetenz in der Studieneingangsphase
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A Runge-Kutta method for index 1 stochastic differential-algebraic equations with scalar noise
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On the Relation of KS Entropy and Permutation Entropy
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Iterated neighborhood graphs
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On the problem of parameter estimation in exponential sums
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Permutations and the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy
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Stochastic Runge-Kutta methods for Ito-SODEs with small noise
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Stochastic Taylor expansions for functionals of diffusion processes
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Stochastic Runge-Kutta methods for Ito-SODEs with small noise
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 32, No. 4, 1789-1808 (2010) (link)
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Strong and weak approximation methods for stochastic differential equations-some recent developments
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Stochastic Taylor expansions for functionals of diffusion processes
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Uncertainty principles on compact Riemannian manifolds
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Uncertainty principles on Riemannian manifolds
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Structural properties and hamiltonicity of neighborhood graphs
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Domination hypergraphs of certain digraphs
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Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy from the ordinal viewpoint
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Second order Runge-Kutta methods for Itô stochastic differential equations
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Families of efficient second order Runge-Kutta methods for the weak approximation of Itô stochastic differential equations
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Second order Runge-Kutta methods for Itô stochastic differential equations
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Diagonally drift-implicit Runge-Kutta methods of weak order one and two for Itô SDEs and stability analysis
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Trees and asymptotic expansions for fractional stochastic differential equations
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Families of efficient second order Runge-Kutta methods for the weak approximation of Itô stochastic differential equations
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Second order Runge-Kutta methods for Stratonovich stochastic differential equations
BIT Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 47, No. 3, 657-680 (2007) (link)
- Küpper, D., Lehn, J. and Rößler, A.
A step size control algorithm for the weak approximation of stochastic differential equations
Numer. Algorithms, Vol. 44, No. 4, 335-346 (2007) (link)
- Kloeden, P. E., and Rößler, A.
Runge-Kutta methods for affinely controlled nonlinear systems
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 205 (2), 957-968 (2007) (link)
- Schumacher, H., Heldmann, S., Haber, E.
Iterative Reconstruction of SPECT Images using Adaptive Multi-Level Refinement
Preprint A-07-10
- Barendt, S., Modersitzki, J., Fischer, B.
Ein numerisches Verfahren zur Kalibrierung von Gammakameras
In Proceedings of BVM 2007, Horsch A. et al (eds). Springer. 449 - 453.
- Ens, K., von Berg, J., Kabus, S., Renisch, S., Fischer, B.
Distanzmaß für die Segistrierung
Preprint A-07-09
- Langemann, D.
Selfish-brain theory: mathematical challenges in the top-down analysis of metabolic supply chains
In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th Int. Conf. on conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand, CRPIT 83, J. Grundy (Ed.) u. a., ACS. 39-49
- Mattner, L.
One optional observation inflates $\alpha$ by $100/\sqrt{n}$ per cent
- Mattner, L. , Roos, B.
Maximal probabilities of convolution powers of discrete uniform distributions
- Bodensteiner, C., Darolti, C., Schumacher, H., Matthäus, L., Schweikard, A.
Motion and Positional Error Correction for Cone Beam 3D-Reconstruction with Mobile C-arms
to appear in: Proccedings of MICCAI 2007
- Schaeben, H., Hielscher, R., Fundenberger, J.-J., Potts, D., Prestin, J.
Successive computations of an ODF while measuring its corresponding PDFs with respect to progressively locally refined spherical grids
in: Proceedings IAMG'2007, Beijing, August 26-31, 2007 (Eds. P. Zhao, F. Agterberg, Q. Chen), 48-50 (pdf)
- Schaeben, H., Hielscher, R., Fundenberger, J.-J., Potts, D., Prestin, J.
Orientation density function-controlled pole probability density function measurements: automated adaptive control of texture goniometers
J. Appl. Cryst. 40 (2007), 570-579 (pdf)
- Mattner, F., Chaberny, I.F., Mattner, L., Gastmeier, P., Teßmann, R. und Strüber, M.
Infektionsprävention und -Surveillance bei Kunstherzpatienten
Der Anaesthesist 56, 429-436 (print & online 2007)
- Mattner, F., Bitz, F., Goedecke, M., Viertel, A., Kuhn, S., Mattner, L., Biertz, F., Heim, A., Henke-Gendo, C., Engelmann, I., Martens, A., Strueber, M.
Adverse effects of rabies pre- and postexposure prophylaxis in 290 health-care-workers exposed to a rabies infected organ donor or transplant reciepients
Infection 35, 219-224 (print & online 2007)
- Peters, A., Conrad, M., Hubold, C., Schweiger, U., Fischer, B. and Fehm, H. L.
The Principle of Homeostasis in the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal System: New Insight from Positive Feedback
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00907.2006
- Schumacher, H., Modersitzki, J. and Fischer, B.
Combined Reconstruction and Motion Correction in SPECT Imaging
Preprint A-07-04
- Kabus, S.
Multiple-Material Variational Image Registration
PhD Thesis at Institut für Mathematik, Universität zu Lübeck
- Röhl, E., Schumacher, H., Fischer, B.
Automatic detection of abrupt patient motion in SPECT data acquisition
Proccedings of SPIE 2007, Medical Imaging, San Diego 17.-22.02.2007
- Ens, K., Schumacher, H., Franz, A. and Fischer, B.
Improved elastic medical image registration using mutual information
Proccedings of SPIE 2007, Medical Imaging, San Diego 17.-22.02.2007
- Modersitzki, J.
FLIRT with rigidity - image registration with a local non-rigidity penalty
IJCV, pages 1-18. Submitted.
- Haber, E. and Modersitzki, J.
Intensity gradient based registration and fusion of multi-modal images
Methods of Information in Medicine, Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart. Accepted for publication.
- Papenberg, N., Schumacher, H., Heldmann, S., Wirtz, S., Bommersheim, S., Ens, K., Modersitzki, J., Fischer, B.
A fast and flexible image registration toolbox - design and implementation of the general approach
In Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. Springer. Accepted for publication.
- Modersitzki, J.
Image registration with local rigidity constraints
In Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. Springer. Accepted for publication.
- Haber, E. and Modersitzki, J.
COFIR: coarse and fine image registration
In LT Biegler, O Ghattas,M Heinkenschloss, D Keyes, and B van Bloemen Waanders, editors, Real-Time PDE-Constrained Optimization, pages 37-49. SIAM, Philadelphia. Accepted for publication.
- v.d. Boogart, K.G., Hielscher, R., Prestin, J., Schaeben, H.
Kernel-based methods for inversion of the Radon transform on SO(3) and their applications to texture analysis
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 199 (2007), 122-140 (pdf)
- Kabus, S., Franz, A., Fischer, B.
Spatially Varying Elasticity in Image Registration
Methods of Information in Medicine, Schattauer. Accepted for publication
- Schumacher, H., Ens, K., Franz, A., Fischer, B.
Wahl eines gewichteten Distanzmaßes für monomodale Bilder in der nichtparametrischen Registrierung
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Springer, 2007, 146-150
- Schumacher, H., Fischer, B.
A new Approach for Motion Correction in SPECT imaging
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Springer, 2007, 51-55
- Langemann, D.
Three-dimensional approximation of the total force on uncharged spheres in electric fields
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, pp. 1687-1701
- Langemann, D.
Harmonical analysis of the total ponderomotive force
PAMM 6/1, pp. 641-642
- Schumacher, H., Fischer, B.
A new flexible reconstruction framework for motion correction in SPECT imaging
to appear in: IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci.
- Kabus, S., Franz, A., Fischer, B.
Variational Image Registration Allowing for Discontinuities in the Displacement Field
In X-C Tai, K-A Lie, TF Chan, and S Osher (eds.), Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equations, Springer, 363-377
- Langemann, D.
The total ponderomotive force and inhomogeneity indicators
Math. Method. Appl. Sci. 30, pp. 717-732
- Keller, K., Lauffer, H., Sinn, M.
Ordinal analysis of EEG time series
Chaos and Complexity Letters 2 (2007), 247-258
- Keller, K., Sinn, M., Emonds, J.
Time series from the ordinal viewpoint
Stochastics and Dynamics 2 (2007), 247-272 (full paper pdf)
- Hipp, C. and Mattner, L.
On the normal approximation to symmetric binomial distributions
to appear in: Theory of Probability and Its Applications 52 (2007)
- Rößler, A.
Runge-Kutta methods for Itô stochastic differential equations with scalar noise
BIT Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 46, No. 1, 97-110 (link)
- Rößler, A.
Rooted tree analysis for order conditions of stochastic Runge-Kutta methods for the weak approximation of stochastic differential equations
Stochastic Anal. Appl., Vol. 24, No. 1, 97-134 (link, arXiv)
- Bey, Ch.
Remarks on an edge isoperimetric problem
R. Ahlswede et al. (Eds.), General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics, LNCS, vol. 4123, pp. 971-978 (2006) (.pdf, .ps)
- Rößler, A.
Runge-Kutta methods for Itô stochastic differential equations with scalar noise
BIT Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 46, No. 1, 97-110 (2006) (link)
- Rößler, A.
Rooted tree analysis for order conditions of stochastic Runge-Kutta methods for the weak approximation of stochastic differential equations
Stochastic Anal. Appl., Vol. 24, No. 1, 97-134 (2006) (link) (arXiv)
- Mattner, F., Rüden, A. S., Mattner, L., Chaberny, I. F., Ziesing, S., Strueber, M. und Gastmeier, P.
Thoracic organ transplantation may not increase the risk of bacterial transmission in intensive care units
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 210 (2), 139-145 (print 2007, online 2006)
- Schmitt, O., Modersitzki, J., Heldmann, S., Wirtz, S. and Fischer, B.
Image registration of sectioned braines
IJCV, 1. DOI: 10.1007/s11263-006-9780-x.
- Modersitzki, J. and Wirtz, S.
Mathematical models for registration and applications to medical imaging
In Otmar Scherzer, editor, Mathematical Models for Registration and Applications to Medical Imaging. Mathematics in Industry, Springer, New York.
- Modersitzki, J. and Wirtz, S.
Combining homogenization and registration
In Frans A. Gerritsen Josien P.W. Pluim, Bostjan Likar, editor, Biomedical Image Registration: Third International Workshop, WBIR 2006, LNCS, pages 257 - 263. Springer.
- Haber, E. and Modersitzki, J.
A multilevel method for image registration
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 27(5):1594-1607.
- Modersitzki, J., Papenberg, N.
A Unified Approach to Registration and Intensity Correction (RIC)
Preprint A-06-05
- Haber, E. and Modersitzki, J.
Intensity gradient based registration and fusion of multi-modal images
In C Barillot, DR Haynor, and P Hellier, editors, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2006, volume 3216, pages 591-598. Springer LNCS.
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
Image fusion and registration - a variational approach
In E Krause, YI Shokin, M Resch, and N Shokina, editors, Computational Science and High Performance Computing II, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics amd Multidisciplinatory Design,91, pages 193-205. Springer
- Haber, E. and Modersitzki, J.
Image registration with a guaranteed displacement regularity
IJCV, 1, 2006. DOI: 10.1007/s11263-006-8984-4
- Haber, E., Heldmann, S. and Modersitzki, J.
An OcTree method for parametric image registration
Technical Report TR-2006-011-A, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322
- Khabiboulline, R. and Prestin, J.
Asymptotic formulas for the frame coefficients generated by Laguerre and Hermite type polynomials
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inf. Process. 4 (3) (2006), 415-431 (pdf)
- Keiner, J., Kunis, S., and Potts, D.
Efficient reconstruction of functions on the sphere from scattered data
J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 13 (2007), pp. 35-458, (published version)
- Prestin, J., Rosca, D.
On some cubature formulas on the sphere
J. Approx. Theory 142 (2006), 1-19 (pdf)
- Mattner, L.
Lower bounds for tails of sums of independent symmetric random variables
to appear in: Theory of Probability and Its Applications, accepted 2007 [ arXiv ]
- Rosso, O.A., Martin, M.T., Figliola, A., Keller, K., Plastino, A.
EEG analysis using wavelet-based information tools
J. Neuroscie. Meth. 153 (2006), 163-182
- Keiner, J. and Potts, D.
Fast evaluation of quadrature formulae on the sphere
Math. Comput., 77 (2008), pp. 397-419 (published version)
- Ludwig, M., Koch, J. and Fischer, B.
An application of the finite volume method to the bio-heat-transfer-equation in premature infants
Preprint A-06-06
- Mattner, L., Roos, B.
A shorter proof of Kanter's Bessel function concentration bound
Probability Theory and Related Fields 139, 191-205 (print 2007, online 2006). [ arXiv ]
- Teichert, H.-M.
Competition structures, hamiltonian digraphs and t-cycle factors
Oberwolfach Reports 3(2006)1 395-398 (PDF)
- Kabus, S., Franz, A., Fischer, B.
Variational Image Registration with Local Properties
Proceedings from the Third International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR), Pluim J.P.W., Likar B. and Gerritsen F.A. (eds), Springer, 92-100
- Schumacher, H., Franz, A. and Fischer, B.
Weighted medical image registration with automatic mask generation
Proceedings of SPIE 2006, Medical Imaging, San Diego, 13.-16.02.2006
- Keiner, J. and Prestin, J.
A Fast Algorithm for Spherical Basis Approximation
in: Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation (Eds. N.K. Govil et. al.), Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006, 259-286 (preprint)
- Seifert, B., Stolz, H., Donatelli, M., Langemann, D., Tasche, M.
Multilevel Gauss-Newton methods for phase retrieval problems
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, pp. 4191-4206
- Langemann, D.
Modelling a 3D rainwater droplet in a strong electric field
In Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, A.M.Anile (Ed.) u.a., SCEE, Capo d'Orlando, Italien, 5.-9. September 2004, pp. 51-56, Springer, Berlin
- Keiner, J., Kunis, S. and Potts, D.
Fast Summation of Radial Functions on the Sphere
Computing, 78 (2006), pp. 1-15 (published version)
- Lain Fernandez, N. and Prestin, J.
Interpolatory Band-limited Wavelet Bases on the Sphere
Constr. Approx. 23 (1) (2006), 79-101 (pdf)
- Rößler, A.
Explicit order 1.5 schemes for the strong approximation of Itô stochastic differential equations
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 5 (1), 817-818 (link)
- Bey, Ch.
On cross intersecting families of sets
Graphs and Combinatorics 21, 161-168 (2005) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch.
Polynomial LYM inequalities
Combinatorica 25, No. 1, 19-38 (2005) (.pdf, .ps)
- Rößler, A.
Explicit order 1.5 schemes for the strong approximation of Itô stochastic differential equations
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 5 (1), 817-818 (2005) (link)
- Schmitt, O., Modersitzki, J., Heldmann, S., Wirtz, S., Hömke, L., Heide, W., and Wree, A.
Three-dimensional cytoarchitectonic analysis of posterior bank of the human precentral sulcus
Anatomy and Embryology, DOI 10.1007:1-14
- Faber, T.L., Modersitzki, J., Folks, R.D. and Garcia, E.V.
Detecting changes in serial myocardial perfusion SPECT - a simulation study
J Nucl Cardiol, 12:302-310.
- Schmitt, O., Eggers, R., and Modersitzki, J.
Videomicroscopy, Image Processing, and Analysis of Whole Histologic Sections of the Human Brain
Microscopy Research and Technique, 66:203-218, 2005.
- Haber, E. and Modersitzki, J.
Beyond Mutual Information: A simple and robust alternative
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005, page 350-354. Springer.
- Haber, E. and Modersitzki, J.
A scale space method for volume preserving image registration
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision, pages 1-8, 2005.
- Schumacher, H., Fischer, B. and Franz, A.
Weighted non-rigid image registration
Preprint A-05-26
- Langemann, D.
Modelling a droplet moving in an electric field
Math. Comput. Simulat. 68/2, pp. 157-169
- Langemann, D.
Pseudo-transient processes in the numerical simulation of a water droplet in an electric field
PAMM 5/1, pp. 679-680
- Langemann, D.
Pseudo-transiente Prozesse zur Modellierung stationärer Probleme und ihre Anwendung auf Tropfen in elektrischen Feldern
- Keller, K., Sinn, M.
Ordinal Analysis of Time Series
Physica A 356 (2005), 114-120
- Papenberg, N., Bruhn, A., Brox, T., Didas, S., Weickert, J.
Highly Accurate Optic Flow Computation with Theoretically Justified Warping
International Journal of Computer Vision, to appear Revised version of Technical Report No. 124 , Department of Mathematics, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
- Burgeth, B., Papenberg, N., Bruhn, A., Welk, M., Feddern, C., Weickert, J.
Mathematical morphology based on the Loewner ordering for tensor data
In Proc. 2005 International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (April 2005, Paris, France), Kluwer, Dordrecht, to appear
- Wirtz, S., Papenberg, N., Fischer, B. and Schmitt, O.
Robust and staining-invariant elastic registration of a series of images from histologic slices
Proceedings of SPIE 2005, Medical Imaging, San Diego, 12.-17.02.2005
- Franz, A., Carlsen, I.C., Kabus, S., Netsch, T., Pekar, V., Renisch, S.
Modular Toolbox for Derivative-based Medical Image Registration
Proceedings of SPIE 2005, Fitzpatrick J.M. and Reinhardt J.M. (eds), 5747, 1222-1233, 2005
- Kabus, S., Franz, A., Fischer, B.
On Elastic Image Registration with Varying Material Parameters
Proceedings of BVM 2005, Meinzer H.-P., Handels H., Horsch A. and Tolxdorff T. (eds), Springer, 330-334, 2005
- Kunis, S., Potts, P. and Steidl, G.
Fast Gauss transforms with complex parameters
Preprint A-05-12
- Fenn, M., Kunis, S., Potts, D.
Fast evaluation of trigonometric polynomials from hyperbolic crosses
Preprint A-05-11
- Knopp, T., Kunis, S., Potts, D.
Fast Iterative Reconstruction for MRI
Preprint A-05-10
- Hielscher, R., Bernstein, S., Schaeben, H. , v.d. Boogaart, K.G., Beckmann, J., Prestin, J.
PDF-to-ODF inversion by approximation with spherical radial basis functions
in: Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 14, Materials Science Forum 495-497 (2005), 313-318, (published version)
- Schaeben, H., Bernstein, S., Hielscher, R., Beckmann, J., Keiner, J., Prestin, J.
High Resolution Texture Analysis with Spherical Wavelets
in: Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 14, Materials Science Forum 495-497 (2005), 245-254, (published version)
- Mhaskar, H. N. and Prestin, J.
On local smoothness classes of periodic functions
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 11 (3) (2005), 353-373 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N., Prestin, J.
Polynomial frames: a fast tour
in: Approximation Theory XI: Gatlinburg 2004 (Eds. C. K. Chui, M. Neamtu, L. L. Schumaker), Nashboro Press, Brentwood, TN, 2005, 287-318 (pdf)
- Mattner, F., Mattner, L., Borck, H. U. and Gastmeier, P.
Evaluation of the impact of the source (patient versus staff) on nosocomial norovirus outbreak severity
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 26 (3) 268-272
- Mattner, F., Chaberny, I.F., Weißbrodt, H., Fischer, S., Gastmeier, P., Haubitz, B., Gottlieb, J., Mattner, L. und Strueber, M.
Surveillance invasiver Fadenpilzmykosen in lungentransplantierten Patienten: Effekt antmikotischer Prophylaxe mit Itraconazol und Voriconazol
Mycoses 48 (Suppl. 1), 51-55
- Keller, K. and Winter, S.
Combinatorics of distance doubling maps
Fund. Math. 187 (2005), 1-35
- Kunis, S. and Potts, D.
Stability Results for Scattered Data Interpolation by Trigonometric Polynomials
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E.
Periodic and Spline Multiresolution Analysis and the Lifting Scheme
in: Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling (Eds. N.A. Dogson, M.S. Floater, M.A. Sabin), Springer-Verlag, 2005, 369-390 (pdf)
- Fenn, M. and Potts, D.
Fast summation based on fast trigonometric transforms at nonequispaced nodes
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 12, 161-169.
- Dümbgen, L. and Tyler, D.
On the breakdown properties of some multivariate M-functionals
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 32, 247-264
- Rößler, A.
Stochastic Taylor expansions for the expectation of functionals of diffusion processes
Stochastic Anal. Appl., Vol. 22, No. 6, 1553-1576 (link, arXiv)
- Rößler, A.
An adaptive discretization algorithm for the weak approximation of stochastic differential equations
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 4 (1), 19-22 (link)
- Rößler, A.
Runge-Kutta methods for Stratonovich stochastic differential equation systems with commutative noise
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 164-165, 613-627 (link)
- Rößler, A.
Stochastic Taylor expansions for the expectation of functionals of diffusion processes
Stochastic Anal. Appl., Vol. 22, No. 6, 1553-1576 (2004) (link) (arXiv)
- Rößler, A.
An adaptive discretization algorithm for the weak approximation of stochastic differential equations
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 4 (1), 19-22 (2004) (link)
- Rößler, A.
Runge-Kutta methods for Stratonovich stochastic differential equation systems with commutative noise
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 164-165, 613-627 (2004) (link)
- Haber, E., Modersitzki, J. and Heldmann, S.
Multilevel optimization methods for mutual information registration
Technical Report TR-2004-015-A, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
On medical image registration
In B de Moor and B Motmans, editors, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2004), Leuven, pages 1-5. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Modersitzki, Jan
Numerical Methods for Image Registration
Oxford University Press
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
Large scale problems arising from image registration
GAMM Mitteilungen, 27(2):104-120, 2004.
- Haber, E. and J. Modersitzki, J.
Volume preserving image registration
In C Barillot, DR Haynor, and P Hellier, editors, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2004, volume 3216, pages 591-598. Springer LNCS, 2004.
- Haber, E. and Modersitzki, J.
Numerical methods for volume preserving image registration
Inverse Problems, Institute of Physics Publishing, 20(5):1621-1638, 2004.
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
Intensity based image registration with a guaranteed one-to-one point match
Methods of Information in Medicine, Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart, 43:327-330, 2004.
- Wirtz, S., Fischer, B., Modersitzki, J. and Schmitt, O.
Super-fast elastic registration of histologic images of a whole rat brain for three-dimensional reconstruction
In JM Fitzpatrick and M Sonka, editors, Proceedings of the SPIE 2004, Medical Imaging, San Diego, 14.-19.02.2004, volume 5370, pages 328-334. SPIE.
- Kabus, S., Netsch, T., Fischer, B., Modersitzki, J.
B-Spline Registration of 3D Images with Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization
In JM Fitzpatrick and M Sonka, editors, Proceedings of the SPIE 2004, Medical Imaging, San Diego Februar 14-19, 2004, volume 5370, pages 304-313. SPIE.
- Heldmann, S., Mahnke, O., Potts, D., Modersitzki, J. and Fischer, B.
Fast computation of Mutual Information in a variational image registration approach
In T Tolxdorff, J Braun, H Handels, A Horsch, and HP Meinzer, editors, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004, pages 448-452. Springer.
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
A unified approach to fast image registration and a new curvature based registration technique
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 380:107-124, 2004.
- Langemann, D.
The free transmission problem for a water droplet
Proceedings zur 4. int. conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing in Sozopol, Bulgarien, 4.-8. Juni 2003, Springer Berlin, pp. 387-395
- Langemann, D., Krüger, M.
3D model of a droplet in an electric field
Math. Comput. Simulat. 66/6 pp. 539-549
- Brox, T., Bruhn, A., Papenberg, N., Weickert, J.
High accuracy optical flow estimation based on a theory for warping
In T. Pajdla, J. Matas (Eds.): Computer Vision - ECCV 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3024, Springer, Berlin, 25-36
Awarded the "Longuet-Higgins Prize" by the ECCV (Best Paper Award)
- Papenberg, N., Bruhn, A., Brox, T., Weickert, J.
Numerical justification for multiresolution optical flow computation
In L. Alvarez (Ed.) IWCVIA '03: International Workshop on Computer Vision and Image Analysis. Vol. 0026 of Cuadernos del Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologias Ciberneticas, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, pp. 7-12, Feb. 2004
- Weickert, J., Bruhn, A., Papenberg, N., Brox, T.
Variational optic flow computation: From continuous models to algorithms
In L. Alvarez (Ed.): IWCVIA '03: International Workshop on Computer Vision and Image Analysis. Vol. 0026 of Cuadernos del Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologias Ciberneticas, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, pp. 1-6, Feb. 2004
- Peters, A., Schweiger, U., Pellerin, L., Hubold, C., Oltmanns, K. M., Conrad, M., Schultes, B., Born, J. and Fehm, H. L.
The selfish brain: Competition for energy resources
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 28:143--180
- Conrad, M., Hubold, C., Fischer, B., Schweiger, U., Fehm, H. L. and Peters, A.
The selfish brain: A new model of the LHPA-System
Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 112:471--491
- Pöplau, G., Potts, D. and van Rienen, U.
Calculation of 3D Space-Charge Fields of Bunches of Charged Particles by Fast Summation
Preprint TESLA Report, Hamburg
- Mattner, F., Mattner, L. and Chaberny, I.
No evidence for effectiveness of ClO2-generating gloves
Clinical Infectious Diseases 39, 874
- Kunis, S. and Potts, D.
NFFT 2.0
Preprint B-04-07
- Kaus, M.R., Netsch, T., Kabus, S., Pekar, V., McNutt, T., Fischer, B.
Estimation of Organ Motion from 4D CT for 4D Radiation Therapy Planning of Lung Cancer
Proceedings of MICCAI 2004, Barillot C., Haynor D.R. and Hellier P. (eds), 3217, 1017-1024, 2004
- Keller, K. and Wittfeld, K.
Distances of time series components by means of symbolic dynamics
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 14 (2004), 693-704
- Potts, D., Steidl, G. and Nieslony, A.
Fast convolution with radial kernels at nonequispaced knots
Numer. Math. 98, 329-351.
- Weller, U., Potts, D., Zipprich, M., zu Castell, W., Kunis, S.,Sommer, M., and Wehrhan, M.
An application of fast wavelet decomposition of scattered data with EMI data
Preprint GSF (Neuherberg)
- Keller, K.
Combinatorics of angle-doubling: Translation Principles for the Mandelbrot set
in: Proc. ICDEA 2001, CRC Press 2004, 131-138
- Mattner, L.
Cumulants are universal homomorphisms into Hausdorff groups
Probability Theory and Related Fields 130, 151-166
- Sonntag, M. and Teichert, H.-M.
Competition hypergraphs
Discrete Applied Mathematics 143 (2004) 324-329 (Abstract)
- Dümbgen, L., Freitag, S. and Jongbloed, G.
Consistency of Concave Regression with an Application to Current-Status Data
Mathematical Methods of Statistics 13, 69-81
- Potts, D.
Approximation of scattered data by trigonometric polynomials on the torus and the 2-sphere
Adv. Comput. Math. 21, 21-36.
- Dümbgen, L. and Johns, R. B.
Confidence bands for isotonic median curves using sign-tests
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13, 519-533
- Rößler, A.
Coefficients of Runge-Kutta schemes for Itô stochastic differential equations
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 3 (1), 571-572 (link)
- Bey, Ch.
An upper bound on the sum of squares of degrees in a hypergraph
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Coefficients of Runge-Kutta schemes for Itô stochastic differential equations
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Embedded stochastic Runge-Kutta methods
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Visual field representations and locations of visual areas V1/2/3 in human visual cortex
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- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
Combining landmark and intensity driven registrations
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Fast image registration - a variational approach
In G Psihoyios, editor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis & Computational Mathematics (NACoM-2003), pages 69-74.
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
FLIRT: A Flexible Image Registration Toolbox
In JC Gee, JBA Maintz, and MW Vannier, editors, 2nd International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration 2003, LNCS 2717, pages 261-270. Springer.
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
Combination of automatic non-rigid and landmark based registration: the best of both worlds
In M Sonka and JM Fitzpatrick, editors, Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, pages 1037-1048. Proceedings of the SPIE 5032.
- Modersitzki, J. and Fischer, B.
Optimal image registration with a guaranteed one-to-one point match
In T Wittenberg et al., editor, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2003, pages 1-5. Springer, 2003.
- Schmitt, O., Modersitzki, J., Heldmann, S., Wirtz, S., Hömke, L., Heide, W., Kömpf, D. and Wree, A.
Spatial location of the human frontal eye field
Ann. Anal., 185:320-321
- D'Agostino, E., Modersitzki, J., Maes, F., Vandermeulen, D., Fischer, B. and Suetens, P.
Free-form registration using mutual information and curvature regularization
In JC Gee, JBA Maintz, and MW Vannier, editors, 2nd International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration 2003, LNCS 2717, pages 11-20. Springer.
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
Curvature based image registration
J. of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 18(1):81-85, 2003.
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A Droplet in a Stationary Electric Field
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Boundary regularity aspects in solving contact problems
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Nichtparametrische 3D-Bildregistrierung - elastic matching -
Studentenkonferenz Mathematik 2003, Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Rostock, 17.-19.9.2003, (awarded)
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Curvature basierte Bildregistrierung
Studentenkonferenz Mathematik 2003, Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Rostock, 17.-19.9.2003, (awarded)
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Detection of Marek's desease virus DNA in chicken but not in human plasma
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Symbolic analysis of high-dimensional time series
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Mean absolute deviations of sample means and minimally concentrated binomials.
Annals of Probability 31, 914-925
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Fast Poisson solvers on nonequispaced grids: Multigrid and Fourier methods compared
in: Proceedings of SPIE: Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures and Implementations XIII, F.T. Luk (Ed.), Vol. 5205.
- Böhme, M. and Potts, D.
A Fast Alogorithm for Spherical Filtering on Arbitrary Grids
in: Proceedings of SPIE: Wavelets Applications in Signal and Image Processing X, M.A. Unser, A. Aldroubi, A.F. Laine (Eds.), Vol. 5207.
- Dümbgen, L.
Optimal confidence bands for shape-restricted curves.
Bernoulli 9, 423-449
- Frohn, C., Dümbgen, L., Brand, J.-M., Görg, S., Luhm, J. and Kirchner, H.
Probability of anti-D development in D-patients receiving D+ RBCs.
Transfusion 43, 893-898
- Schmitt, O., Hömke, L. and Dümbgen, L.
Detection of cortical transition regions utilizing statistical analyses of excess masses
NeuroImage 19, 42-63
- Böhme, M. and Potts, D.
A fast algorithm for filtering and wavelet decomposition on the sphere
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 16, 70-92.
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Fast spherical Fourier algorithms
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 161, 75-98.
- Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Fast summation at nonequispaced knots by NFFTs
SIAM J. on Sci. Comput. 24, 2013-2037.
- Potts, D.
Fast algorithms for discrete polynomial transforms on arbitrary grids
Linear Algebra Appl. 366, 353-370.
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On the connection of uncertainty principles for functions on the circle and on the real line
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 9 (4) (2003), 387-409 (pdf)
- Dümbgen, L.
Stochastik für Informatiker
Springer Verlag
- Kropat, E., Rößler, A., Pickl, St. W., Weber, G.-W.
On theoretical and practical relations between discrete optimization and nonlinear optimization
Computational Technologies (Vychisl. Tekhnol.), 7, Spec. Iss., 27-62 (link)
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Adaptive schemes for the numerical solution of SDEs - a comparison
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 138 (2), 297-308 (link)
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On the average size of sets in intersecting Sperner families
Discrete Math. 257 (Kleitman and Combinatorics: A Celebration), No. 2-3, 259-266 (2002) (.pdf)
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Orthogonal double covers by super-extendable cycles
J. Combin. Des. 10, No. 5, 283-293 (2002) (.pdf, .ps)
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The t-intersection problem in the truncated Boolean lattice
European. J. Combin. 23, No. 5, 471-487 (2002) (.pdf)
- Kropat, E., Rößler, A., Pickl, St. W., Weber, G.-W.
On theoretical and practical relations between discrete optimization and nonlinear optimization
Computational Technologies (Vychisl. Tekhnol.), 7, Spec. Iss., 27-62 (2002) (link) (link)
- Lehn, J., Rößler, A., and Schein, O.
Adaptive schemes for the numerical solution of SDEs - a comparison
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 138 (2), 297-308 (2002) (link)
- Fischer, B. & Modersitzki, J.
Fast curvature based registration of MR-mammography images
In M Meiler et al., editor, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, pages 139-143. Springer
- Fischer, B. & Modersitzki, J.
Curvature based registration with applications to MR-mammography
In PMA Sloot, CJK Tan, JJ Dongarra, and AG Hoekstra, editors, Computational Science - ICCS 2002, pages 203-206. Springer, LNCS 2331.
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
Fast diffusion registration
AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Inverse Problems, Image Analysis, and Medical Imaging, 313:117-129
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Distributed numerical calculations of wear in the wheel-rail contact
In System Dynamics and Long-Term Behaviour of Railway Vehicles, Track and Subgrade (Eds. Popp, Schiehlen), Springer, pp. 85-100
- Teichert, H.-M.
Der Vierfarbensatz - Geschichte, mathematische Grundlagen, Beweisidee
Focus MUL 19 (2002) 1, 7-12
- Potts, D., Steidl, G. and Tasche, M.
Numerical stability of fast trigonometric transforms - a worst case study
J. Concrete Appl. Math. 1, 1-36.
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A high-order conservative Patankar-type discretisation for stiff systems of production-destruction equations
Preprint A-02-19
- Lain Fernandez, N. and Prestin, J.
Localization of the Spherical Gauss-Weierstrass Kernel
in: Constructive Function Theory, Varna 2002, (B. Bojanov, Ed.), DARBA, Sofia, Preprint A-02-18
- Lain Fernandez, N.
Polynomial Bases on the Sphere
Preprint A-02-14
- Meister, A.
Viscous Fluid Flow at all Speeds: Analysis and Numerical Simulation
Preprint A-02-06
- Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Fourier reconstruction of functions from their nonstandard sampled Radon transform
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 8, 513-533.
- Castell, W. zu and Filbir, F.
De la Vallée Poussin means for the Hankel transform
Preprint A-02-04
- Conrad, M. and Prestin, J.
Multiresolution on the Sphere
Summer School Lecture Notes on Principles of Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling (Summer School, Munich, August 22-30, 2001) A.Iske, E.Quak, M.S.Floater (eds.) , 165-202 (pdf) (additional matlab files)
- Ng, M.K. and Potts, D.
Fast Iterative methods for Sinc systems
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 24, 581-598.
- Dümbgen, L.
Application of local rank tests to nonparametric regression.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 14, 511-537
- Bey, Ch.
An intersection theorem for weighted sets
Discrete Math. 235, No. 1-3, 145-150 (2001) (.pdf)
- Schmitt, O. and Modersitzki, J.
Registrierung einer hochaufgelösten histologischen Schnittserie eines Rattenhirns
In H Handels, A Horsch, TM Lehmann, and HPH Meinzer, editors, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2001, pages 174-178. Springer
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
A super fast registration algorithm
In H Handels, A Horsch, TM Lehmann, and HPH Meinzer, editors, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2001, pages 169-173.
- Modersitzki, J., Schmitt, O. and Fischer, B.
Effiziente, nicht-lineare Registrierung eines histologischen Serienschnittes durch das menschliche Gehirn
In H Handels, A Horsch, TM Lehmann, and HPH Meinzer, editors, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2001, pages 179-183. Springer,
- Modersitzki, J., Lustig, G., Schmitt, O. and Obelöer, W.
Elastic Registration of Brain Images on large PC-Clusters
Elsevier, Future Generation Computer Systems, 18:115-125
- Langemann, D.
Numerical analysis of the polygonalization of railway wheels
Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 81, Suppl. 3, pp. 619-620
- Langemann, D.
Handling systems from non-linear theory of elasticity
Proceedings zur 3. int. conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing in Sozopol, Bulgarien, 6.-10. Juni 2001, Springer Berlin, pp. 369-377
- Dodt, B., Bender, B., Peters, A.
Ermittlung des Rehabilitationsbedarfs in einer Kohorte von LVA-Versicherten mit Diabetes mellitus
Abschlußbericht der 1. Förderphase des Projekts A3 im Norddeutschen Verband Reha-Forschung
- Mattner, L.
Minimal sufficient order statistics in convex models
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 129, 3401-3411
- Mattner, L.
Complex Differentiation under the integral
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5/2, 32-35
- Kabus, S.
Approximation of an Elastodynamic Problem using the Finite Element Method and Extension for Viscoelastic Problems
MSc dissertation at Department of Mathematical Sciences, Brunel University, Uxbridge
- Mester, R., Aach, T., Dümbgen, L.
Illumination-Invariant Change Detection Using a Statistical Colinearity Criterion.
In: Pattern Recognition: Proceedings 23rd DAGM Symposium (B. Radig, S. Florczyk, Eds.), Munich, Germany, Sept. 12-14, 2001, pp.170-177, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2191, Springer Verlag.
- Teichert, H.-M.
Summenzahlen und Strukturuntersuchungen von Hypergraphen
Berichte aus der Mathematik, Shaker Verlag Aachen
- Sonntag, M., Teichert, H.-M.
On the sum number and integral sum numbers of hypertrees and complete hypergraphs
Discrete Mathematics 236(2001)339-349 (Abstract)
- Breuss, M., Fischer, B. and Meister, A.
The Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Heat Conduction in a Premature Infant
Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics VIII, Eds.: M.J. Baines, K.W. Morton, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 239-246.
- Fischer, B., Ludwig, M. and Meister, A.
The Thermoregulation of Infants: Modeling and Numerical Simulation
BIT, Vol. 41, 950-966.
- Fischer, B. and Peherstorfer, F.
Chebyshev approximation via polynomial mappings and the convergence behaviour of Krylov subspace methods
ETNA, Volume 12, 205-215.
- Fischer, B.
From orthogonal polynomials to iteration schemes for linear systems: CG and CR revisited
Wavelets and allied topics, Pawan K. Jain et al (Eds), Narosa publishing house, New Dehli, India, 225-247.
- Ng, M. K. and Potts, D.
Circulant preconditioners for indefinite Toeplitz systems
BIT 41,1079-1088.
- Aach, T., Dümbgen, L., Mester, R. and Toth, D.
Bayesian Illumination-Invariant Motion Detection.
In: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) III, pp. 640-643
- Aach, T., Mester, R. and Dümbgen, L.
Bayesian Illumination-Invariant Change Detection Using a Total Least Squares Test Statistic.
In: Actes/Proceedings 18e Colloque GRETSI'01 sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Toulouse, 10-13 septembre, pp.587-590
- Filbir, F. and Themistoclakis, W.
On the Construction of de la Vallée Poussin Means for Orthogonal Polynomials Using Convolution Structures
Preprint A-01-07
- Dümbgen, L.
Confidence bands for convex median curves using sign-tests.
Preprint A-01-05
- Fischer, B. and Themistoclakis, W.
Orthogonal polynomial wavelets
to appear in: Numerical Algorithms
- Cavalcante, M. I. A.
Fractional Bayes Factor for Gaussian Linear State Space Models
Advanced Workshop on Environmental Sampling and Monitoring, Lissabon, 22.-24. März,
- Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
A new linogram algorithm for computerized tomography
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 21, 769-782.
- Weinberg, K.
Adaptive Computation of Elasto-Plastic Plates by a Locking Free Finite Element Method
Preprint A-01-02
- Habermann, J.K., Lenander, C., Roblick, U.J., Krüger, S., Ludwig, D., Alaiya, A., Freitag, S., Dümbgen, L., Bruch, H.-P., Stange, E., Salo, S., Tryggvason, K., Auer, G., Schimmelpenning, H.
Ulcerative Colitis and Colorectal Carcinoma: DNA-Profile, Laminin-5 gamma2 Chain and Cyclin A Expression as Early Markers for Risk Assessment
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 36, 751-758
- Dümbgen, L. and Spokoiny, V. G.
Multiscale Testing of Qualitative Hypotheses.
Annals of Statistics 29, 124-152
- Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Preconditioning of Hermitian block-Toeplitz-Toeplitz-block matrices by level-1 preconditioners
in: Structured Matrices in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering II, V. Olshevsky, (Ed.), pages 193-212.
- Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Preconditioners for ill-conditioned Toeplitz matrices constructed from positive kernels
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 22,1741-1761.
- Chan, R., Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Preconditioners for non-Hermitian Toeplitz systems
Numer. Linear Alg. Appl. 8,83-98.
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On the arclength of trigonometric interpolants.
Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx. 30 (2) (2001), 219-227 (pdf)
- Schaeben, H., Potts, D. and Prestin, J.
Spherical Wavelets with an application in preferred crystallographic orientation
in: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, Cancun, Mexico. (full paper pdf)
- Prestin, J.
Trigonometric Wavelets
in: Wavelets and Allied Topics, (Eds. P.K. Jain et al), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 2001, 191-223 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Selig, K.K.
On a constructive representation of an orthogonal trigonometric Schauder basis for $C_{2\pi}$
Siegfried Prössdorf Memorial Volume, Oper. Theory, Adv. Appl.,Vol.121, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2001, 402-425 (pdf)
- Kropat, E., Pickl, St., Rößler, A., Weber, G.-W.
A new algorithm from semi-infinite optimization for a problem of time-minimum control
Computational Technologies (Vychisl. Tekhnol.), 5, No.4, 67-81 (link)
- Bey, Ch., Engel, K.
Old and new results for the weighted t-intersection problem via AK-methods
I. Althöfer et al. (Eds.), Numbers, information and complexity (Bielefeld, 1998), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 45-74 (2000) (.pdf, .ps)
- Kropat, E., Pickl, St., Rößler, A., Weber, G.-W.
A new algorithm from semi-infinite optimization for a problem of time-minimum control
Computational Technologies (Vychisl. Tekhnol.), 5, No.4, 67-81 (2000) (link) (link)
- Sleijpen, G.L.G., van der Vorst, H.A. and Modersitzki, J.
Differences in the effects of rounding errors in Krylov solvers for symmetric indefinite Linear Systems
SIMAX, 22 (3):726-751
- Modersitzki, J. and Schmitt, O.
Image registration of histological sections
Preprint A-00-06, Institute of Mathematics, University of Lübeck
- Langemann, D.
Rolling contact with inertia and friction
Proceedings zu: Algoritmy2000, 15th Conference on Scientific Computing, Slovakia, September 10 - 15, 2000, Bratislava, ISBN 80-227-1391-0, pp. 151-156
- Linder, R., Dümbgen, L., Wirtz, S. and Pöppl, S.-J.
Klassifikation von Signalen einer elektronischen Nase
34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Lübeck, 28.-30.9.2000
Biomedizinische Technik, Band 45, Ergänzungsband 1, 2000, p. 194-195
- Linder, R., Wirtz, S. and Pöppl, S.-J.
Speeding up Backpropagation Learning by the APROP Algorithm
Proceedings of the Second International ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC 2000), p. 122-128
ICSC Academic Press, Millet, Alberta, Canada, 2000
- Mattner, L.
Minimal sufficient statistics in location-scale parameter models
Bernoulli 6, 1121-1134
- Fischer, B., Meister, A., Ludwig, M.
An application of the finite volume method to the thermoregulation of infants
Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik, Reihe F: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Data Analysis, Nr. 12, 2000
- Fischer, B., Ludwig, M. and Meister, A.
A finite volume method to compute the steady state temperature distribution in premature or newborn infants
Proceedings der GAMM-Jahrestagung, Göttingen.
- Breuss, M., Fischer, B. and Meister, A.
The unsteady thermoregulation of premature infants - a model and its application
Proceedings of the GAMM-Workshop: Discrete Modelling and Discrete Algorithms in Continuum Mechanics, Braunschweig.
- Weinberg, K. and Gabbert, U.
An Adaptive pNh-Technique for Global-Local Finite Element Analysis
Preprint A-00-23
- Teichert, H.-M.
Sum labellings of cycle hypergraphs
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 20(2000)255-265 (Abstract)
- Fischer, B.
An application of the finite volume method to the thermoregulation of infants
Preprint A-00-03
- Weinberg, K.
A locking free and adaptive finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plates
Preprint A-00-04
- Schaeben, H., Prestin, J. and Potts, D.
Wavelet representation of diffraction pole figures
in: Advances in X-ray Analysis 44, Proceedings of the 49th Denver X-ray Conference, Denver 2000, 235-240. (full paper pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N., Narcowich, F.J., Prestin, J. and Ward, D.J.
Polynomial frames on the sphere.
Adv. Comput. Math. 13 (4) (2000), 387-403 (pdf)
- Dümbgen, L. and Hömke, L.
P-values for discriminant analysis.
Preprint A-00-14
- Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
New Fourier reconstruction algorithms for computerized tomography
in: Proceedings of SPIE: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII,A. Aldroubi,A.F. Laine,M.A. Unser (Eds.), Vol.:4119, pages 13-23.
- Weinberg, K.
Preasymptotic Performance of Modified Mixed Finite Element Schemes for Plates.
Preprint A-00-16
- Duelli, R., Maurer, M. H., Staudt, R., Heiland, S., Dümbgen, L. and Kuschinsky, W.
Increased cerebral glucose utilization and decreased clucose transporter Glut1 during chronic hyperglycemia in rat brain
Brain Research 858, 338-347
- Teichert, H.-M.
Classes of hypergraphs with sum number one
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 20(2000)93-104 (Abstract)
- Sonntag, M. and Teichert, H.-M.
Sum numbers of hypertrees
Discrete Mathematics 214 (2000) 285-290 (Abstract)
- Chan, R., Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Preconditioners for nondefinite Hermitian Toeplitz systems
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 22,647-665.
- Weinberg, K., Carstensen, C.
Experimental comparison of some recent finite element methods for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model.
ZAMM, Z.angew.Math.Mech. 80, to appear
- Carstensen, C., Weinberg, K.
Adaptive mixed finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plate.
Berichtsreihe des Mathematischen Seminars, Technical Report 07-00, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Carstensen, C., Weinberg, K.
Calculating the energy-norm fem-error for Reissner-Mindlin plates without known reference solution.
Berichtsreihe des Mathematischen Seminars, Technical Report 03-00, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Girgensohn, R. and Prestin, J.
Lebesgue constants for an orthogonal polynomial Schauder basis.
Computational Analysis and Applications 2 (2) (2000), 159-175 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J.
Polynomial frames for the detection of singularities.
in: Wavelet Analysis and Multiresolution Methods (Ed. Tian-Xiao He), Marcel Dekker 2000, 273-298 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J.
On the detection of singularities of a periodic function.
Advances in Computational Mathematics 12 (2-3) (2000), 95-131 (pdf)
- Bey, Ch., Engel, K.
An asymptotic complete intersection theorem for chain products
European J. Combin. 20, No. 5, 321-327 (1999) (.pdf)
- Bey, Ch.
The Erdös-Ko-Rado bound for the function lattice
Discrete Appl. Math. 95, No. 1-3, 115-125 (1999) (.pdf)
- Modersitzki, J., Obelöer, W., Schmitt, O., Lustig, G.
Elastic matching of very large digital images on high performance clusters
In High-Performance Computing and Networking - 7-th International Conference, HPCN Europe 1999, pages 141-149. Springer, LNCS 1593
- Schmitt, O., Modersitzki, J. and Obelöer, W.
The Human Neuroscanning Project
NeuroImage, 9:p.22
- Schmitt, O., Eggers, R., Modersitzki, J., Obelöer, W. and Lustig, G.
Multidimensional profiling of elastic deformed particle systems - a first approach
In Book of Abstracts of the First Vogt-Brodman Symposium: Perspectives of Architectonic Brain Mapping, page 75
- Schmitt, O., Eggers, R., Modersitzki, J., Obelöer, W., Lustig, G.
The total number of cells in serial sections of a human brain
In X-th International Congress for Stereology, University of Melbourne
- Fischer, B. and Modersitzki, J.
Fast inversion of matrices arising in image processing
Num. Algo., 22:1-11.
- Bogacz, R. Frischmuth, K. Langemann, D.
Numerical Analysis of a Mechanical Model Including Discontinuous Friction Forces
in Simulacja w badaniach i rozwoju, Proceeding zur Konferenz: Simulacja Komputerowa w Badaniach i Rozwoju, Jelenia Góra, 5. bis 7. Oktober 1998, Warschau
- Langemann, D.
Numerische Analyse abrasiv verschleißender mechanischer Systeme
Fortschritt-Berichte 12.392, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf
- Langemann, D.
Wear evolution driven by ergodic system dynamics
Proceeding zur Konferenz: Vehicle-Infrastructure Interaction VI, 26.9.-1.10.1999, Zakopane
- Mattner, L.
Remarkable asymmetric random walks
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 127, 1847-1854
- Mattner, L.
On Burdick's symmetry problem
Mathematical Methods of Statistics 8, 109-118
- Mattner, L.
Product measurability, parameter integrals, and a Fubini counterexample
L'Enseignement Mathématique 45, 271-279
- Mattner, L.
Sufficiency, exponential families, and algebraically independent numbers
Mathematical Methods of Statistics 8, 397-406
- Mattner, L.
What are cumulants ?
Documenta Mathematica 4, 601-622
- Duelli, R., Staudt, R., Dümbgen, L., Kuschinsky, W.
Increase in glucose transporter densities of Glut3 and decrease of glucose utilization in rat brain after one week of hypoglycemia
Brain Research 831, 254-262
- Fischer, B. and Peherstorfer, F.
Comparing the convergence rate of Krylov subspace methods via polynomial mappings
Schriftenreihe der Institute für Informatik/Mathematik, Bericht A-99-08
- Teichert, H.-M.
The sum number of d-partite complete hypergraphs
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 19(1999)79-91 (Abstract)
- Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Preconditioners for ill-conditioned Toeplitz matrices
BIT 39,513-533.
- Zeuner, Hm. and Scheffler, H.-P.
Domains of attraction on Sturm-Liouville hypergroups of polynomial growth.
Journal of Applied Analysis, Vol. 5,2 (1999), 153-170.
- Zeuner, Hm. and Tasche, M.
Roundoff error analysis for the fast Fourier transform with precomputed twiddle factors.
Preprint 1999.
- Zeuner, Hm. and Tasche, M.
Roundoff error analysis for fast trigonometric transforms.
Preprint 1999.
- Zeuner, Hm.
A stochastic model for roundoff errors with applications to FFT and DCT.
Preprint 1999.
- Fischer, B., Ramage, A., Silvester, D., and Wathen, A.
On parameter choice and iterative convergence for stabilised discretisations of advection-diffusion problems
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 179, 185-202.
- Schuster, R., Vitt, K. D.
Forum Rationaler Verweildauerkatalog.
Schriftenreihe MDK-SH Nr.3 und Internetversion, Lübeck 1998/99
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Data Compression with ENO Schemes: A Case Study.
GrAN report, University of Valencia, 1999, submitted
- Weinberg, K.
An adaptive finite element approach for a mixed Reissner-Mindlin plate formulation.
Berichtsreihe des Mathematischen Seminars, Technical Report 22-99, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Gabbert, U., Graeff-Weinberg, K.
Adaptive Local-Global Analysis by pNh Transition Elements.
Technische Mechanik, 19(2): 115-126
- Weinberg, K., Carstensen, C.
Adaptive mixed finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plates.
ZAMM, Z.angew.Math.Mech. 79, to appear
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J.
On a sequence of fast decreasing polynomial operators.
in: Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials (Eds. W. Gautschi, G.H. Golub, G. Opfer) Internat. Ser. Numer. Math. Vol. 131, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1999, 165-178 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E.
Optimal Functions for a Periodic Uncertainty Principle and Multiresolution Analysis
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 42 (2) (1999), 225-242 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J.
On a build-up polynomial frame for the detection of singularities.
in: Self-Similar Systems, Proceedings of the International Workshop (July 30 - August 7, 1998, Dubna, Russia) (Eds. V.B. Priezzhev and V.P. Spiridonov), JINR, E5-99-38, Dubna, 1999, 98-109 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J.
Bounded Quasi-Interpolatory Polynomial Operators.
J. Approx. Theory 96 (1999), 67 - 85 (pdf)
- Frischmuth, K. Langemann, D.
Numerical Analysis of Long-Term Wear Models
Machine Dynamics Problems, Vol. 20, pp. 113-122
- Beran, R. and Dümbgen, L.
Modulation estimators and confidence sets.
Annals of Statistics 26, 1826-1856
- Dümbgen, L.
On Tyler's M-Functional of scatter in high dimension.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 50, 471-491.
- Dümbgen, L.
New goodness-of-fit tests and their application to nonparametric confidence sets.
Annals of Statistics 26, 288-314.
- Dümbgen, L.
Perturbation inequalities and confidence sets for functions of a scatter matrix.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 65, 19-35.
- Dümbgen, L.
Symmetrization and decoupling of combinatorial random elements.
Statistics & Probability Letters 39, 355-361.
- Fischer, B., Ramage, A., Wathen, A., and Silvester, D.
Minimum residual methods for augmented systems
BIT , 38 , 527-543.
- Frahm, J.-M.
Lösung von Konvektions-Diffusions-Problemen mit Hilfe von finiten Elementen (Studienarbeit)
Schriftenreihe der Institute für Informatik / Mathematik, Bericht B-98-01, MU Lübeck.
- Frankenfeld, T.
Analyse von Pain Drawings mit Hilfe Künstlicher Neuronaler Netze (Studienarbeit)
Schriftenreihe der Institute für Informatik / Mathematik, Bericht B-98-02, MU Lübeck.
- Potts, D., Steidl G., and Tasche M.
Fast Fourier transforms for nonequispaced data: A tutorial
in: Modern Sampling Theory: Mathematics and Applications, J.J. Benedetto and P. Ferreira (Eds.), Chapter 12, pages 249-274.
- Potts, D., Steidl G., and Tasche M.
Fast algorithms for discrete polynomial transforms
Math. Comput. 67, 1577-1590.
- Potts, D., Steidl G., and Tasche M.
Fast and stable algorithms for discrete spherical Fourier transforms
Linear Algebra Appl. 275, 433-450.
- Potts, D. and Steidl G.
Optimal trigonometric preconditioners for nonsymmetric Toeplitz systems
Linear Algebra Appl. 281, 265-292.
- Schürmann, M. and Rascher-Friesenhausen, R.
Time-frequency analysis contributes to the functional interpretation of EEG alpha responses.
Schriftenreihe der Institute für Informatik/Mathematik, Bericht A-98-26, MU Lübeck.
- Baszenski, G., Schreiber, U., and Tasche, M.
Numerical stability of fast cosine transforms.
Schriftenreihe der Institute für Informatik/Mathematik, Bericht A-98-16, MU Lübeck.
- Steidl, G. and Tasche, M.
Schnelle Fourier-Transformationen - Theorie und Anwendungen.
Lehrbrief der FernUniv. Hagen (421 S.).
- Arolt,V., Teichert, H.-M., Steege, D., Lencer, R., and Heide, W.
Distinguishing schizophrenic patients from healthy controls by quantitative measurement of eye movement parameters
Biological Psychiatry 44(1998)6, 448-458.
- Zeuner, Hm.
A limit theorem on a family of infinite joins.
In: Harmonic Analysis an Hypergroups, ed. by K.A. Ross, J.M. Anderson, G.L.Litvinov, A.I. Singh, V.S. Sunder and N.J. Wildberger (1998), 243-249.
- Zeuner, Hm.
Normalizers of compact subgroups, the existence of commuting automorphismus, and applications to operator semistable measures.
Journal of Lie Theory 8 (1998), 189-209.
- Zeuner, Hm. and Neuenschwander, D.
Generating random numbers of prescribed distribution using physical sources.
Preprint (1998)
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Rezension von "Algorithmic Probability".
Metrika (1998)
- Wathen, A., Fischer, B., and Silvester, D.
The convergence of iterative methods for symmetric and indefinite linear systems
In D.F. Griffiths, D. J. Higham and G. A. Watson (eds), Numerical Analysis 97, Longman, 230-244.
- Schuster, R.
CD zur Kieler Liste notwendiger Medikamente.
Hamburg 1998
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J.
On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund-Type Inequalities.
in: Approximation Theory: In Memory of A.K. Varma (Eds. N.K. Govil, R.N. Mohapatra, Z. Nashed, A. Sharma and J. Szabados), Marcel Dekker 1998, 389-403 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Selig, K.
Interpolatory and Orthonormal Trigonometric Wavelets.
in: Signal and Image Representation in Combined Spaces, (Eds. J. Zeevi, R. Coifman) Academic Press 1998, 201-255 (pdf)
- Bey, Ch.
On incidence matrices of finite affine geometries
Ars Combin. 47, 313-317 (1997) (.pdf)
- Langemann, D.
Simulation of Frictional Contact
Proceedings zur Konferenz: Simulacja Komputerowa w Badaniach i Rozwoju, Jelenia Góra, 25. bis 27. September 1997
- Mattner, L.
Mean unbiased medians, median unbiased means, and symmetric random walks
Mathematical Methods of Statistics 4, 99-105 (1995) and 6, 517 (1997)
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Strict definiteness of integrals via complete monotonicity of derivatives
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 349, 3321-3342 (Article)
- Potts, D., Steidl, G. and Tasche, M.
Trigonometric preconditioners for block Toeplitz systems
in: Multivariate Approximation and Splines, (Eds. G. Nürnberger, J.W. Schmidt, and G. Walz) Birkhäuser, Basel 1997, pages 219-234.
- Baszenski, G. and Tasche, M.
Fast polynomial multiplication and convolutions related to the discrete cosine transform.
Linear Algebra Appl. 252, 1-25.
- Kilgore, T. and Tasche, M.
Simultaneous polynomial approximation in the weighted Chebychev norm.
J. Comput. Anal. Appl. (in print)
- Plonka, G. und Tasche, M.
Rettung vor der Datenflut - Wavelets zur Auswertung von Signalen und Bildern.
Traditio et Innovatio, Forschungsmagazin der Universität Rostock, Heft 2/97; 40-45.
- Zeuner, Hm.
Lindeberg type central limit theorems on one-dimensional hypergroups.
Publ. Math. Debrecen 51.
- Zeuner, Hm.
The structural of some hypergroups with many automorphismus.
Preprint 1997
- Zeuner, Hm.
Structural properties of hypergroups admitting domains of attraction.
Preprint 1997
- Schuster, R.
About systems of differential equations related to geodesic double differential forms. Mean values and harmonic spaces.
Part I, Z.Anal.Anwendungen 16(1997),83-106
- Gabbert, U., Graeff-Weinberg, K.
The pNh-transition element concept for 2D and 3D adaptive finite elemente analysis.
Int. J. Num. Meth. in Engng., to appear.
- Berger, H., Graeff-Weinberg, K.
FEM-Detailuntersuchungen an Tragwerken unter Einsatz von pNh-Übergangselementen.
In: Tagungsberichte des IKM97, pages 44-54
- Kilgore, T., Prestin, J. and Selig, K.
Polynomial Wavelets and Wavelet Packet Bases.
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 33 No. 4 (1997), 419-431 preprint 96/4 Universität Rostock (pdf)
- Fischer, B. and Prestin, J.
Wavelets Based on Orthogonal Polynomials
Math. Comp. 66 No. 220 (1997), 1593-1618 preprint 96/1 Universität Rostock (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Stosiek, A.
Approximation in Hölder norms with higher order differences.
Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 51 (1997), 33-50 (pdf)
- Bittner, K., Chui, C.K. and Prestin, J.
Multivariate cosine wavelets.
in: Multivariate Approximation and Splines (Eds. G. Nürnberger, J. W. Schmidt, G. Walz), ISNM 125, Birkhäuser Basel 1997, 29-43 preprint 97/1 Universität Rostock (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Sprengel, F.
An Orthonormal Bivariate Algebraic Polynomial Basis for $C(I^2)$ of Low Degree.
in: Multivariate Approximation: Recent Trends and Results (Eds. W. Haussmann, K. Jetter, M. Reimer) Mathematical Research, Vol. 101, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1997, 177-188 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J.
On a Choice of Sampling Nodes for Optimal Approximation of Smooth Functions by Generalized Translation Networks.
in: Artificial Neural Networks, 7-9 July 1997, Conference Publication No. 440, IEE, 1997, 210-215 (pdf)
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Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Agonist Triptorelin in Combination with Cytotoxic Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Ovarian Carcinoma
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Zur Klassifikation von SNC-Gruppen mit elementarabelschem Zentrum
Proc. zu den Darstellungstheorietagen, Jena, 1996, pp. 127-139
- Mattner, L.
Complete order statistics in parametric models
Annals of Statistics 24, 1265-1282
- Mattner, L.
Optimal unbiased means, polynomial moment relations, and natural exponential families
Statistics and Decisions 14, 343-352
- Bähre, M., Vieregge, P., Bauer, J., Teichert, H.-M. and Richter, E.
Verbesserte bildgebende Erfassung zerebraler Funktionsstörungen durch SPECT-Untersuchungen
Focus der MUL 12/4: 219-222.
- Borwein, D., Borwein, J.M., Borwein, P.B. and Girgensohn, R.
Giuga's conjecture on primality.
Amer. Math. Monthly 103, 40-50
- Borwein, J.M., Borwein, P.B., Girgensohn, R. and Parnes, S.
Making sense of experimental mathematics.
Math. Intelligencer 18, 12-18
- Borwein, J.M. and Girgensohn, R.
Evaluation of triple Euler sums.
Electronic J. Combinatorics 3, R23, 27pp
- Dümbgen, L. and Walther, G.
Rates of convergence for random approximations of convex sets.
Advances in Applied Probability 28, 384-393
- Dümbgen, L. and Zerial, P.
Remarks on low-dimensional projections of high-dimensional distributions.
Technical report 11 (Statlab, Heidelberg University)
- Fischer, B., Hanke, M. and Hochbruck, M.
A note on conjugate-gradient type methods for indefinite and/or inconsistent linear systems
Numerical Algorithms 11, 181-189
- Fischer, B.
Polynomial Based Iteration Methods for Symmetric Linear Systems
Wiley-Teubner Series in Advances in Numerical Mathematics
- Girgensohn, R.
Constructing singular functions via Farey fractions.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 203, 127-141
- Gortner, L., Schroeder, P., Schaible, T., Möller, J. and Teichert, H.-M.
Steigende Inzidenz der bronchopulmonalen Dysplasie ?
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 144,: 895-900.
- Hazod, W., Hofmann, K. H., Scheffler, H.-P., Wüstner, M., and Zeuner, Hm.
Normalizers of compact subgroups, the existence of commuting automorphismus and applications to operator semi stable measures.
Eingereicht bei J. Lie Theory
- Ilchmann, A., and Weirig, M.-F.
Adaptive Lambda-Trackers for Anaerobic Fermentation Processes.
Bericht A-96-04, Schriftenreihe Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Ilchmann, A., and Bassom, A.P.
Oxygen Diffusion in Tissue Preparations with Michaelis-Menten Kinetics.
Bericht A-96-06, Schriftenreihe Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Lasser, R.
Introduction to Fourier Series.
Marcel Dekker
- Potts, D., Steidl, G. and Tasche, M.
Kernels of spherical harmonics and spherical frames
in: Fontanella, F, Jetter, K. & Laurent, P.J. (eds.), Advanced Topics in Multivariate Approximation, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, pages 287-301.
- Rascher-Friesenhausen, R.
Subspace Search Methods for Large Scale Nonlinear Optimization.
in: F. Keil, W. Mackens, H. Vo' and J. Werther (eds.), Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
- Rascher-Friesenhausen, R.
Literate Programming für MATLAB.
in: Software Engineering in Scientific Computing, Vieweg-Scientific Computing
- Rascher-Friesenhausen, R.
Unrestringierte Minimierung mit Unterraum Suchmethoden.
Verlag an der Lottbeck
- Tasche, M. and Weyrich, N.
Smoothing Inversion of Fourier Series Using Generalized Cross-Validation.
Resultate Math. 29, 183-195
- Zeuner, Hm.
Domains of attraction with inner norming on Sturm-Liouville hypergroups.
In: Journal of Applied Analysis
- Zeuner, Hm.
A limit theorem on a family of infinite joins.
Erscheint in: Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Delhi,ed. by A.I. Singh and K. Ross
- Zucchetti, A., Vogel, W., Tasche, M. and Welsch, D.-G.
Direct Sampling of Density Matrices in Field-Strength Bases.
Phys. Rev. A 54, 1678-1681
- Graeff-Weinberg, K., Gabbert, U.
pNh-elements for the solution of multiscale problems.
ZAMM, Z.angew.Math.Mech., sp. issue 5, 76: 175-177
- Graeff-Weinberg, K., Berger, H.
Verbesserte FE-Diskretisierung bei Kontaktaufgaben.
Technische Mechanik, 16(3): 257-267
- Berger, H., Gabbert, U., Graeff-Weinberg, K., Grochla, J., Köppe, H.
Über eine Technik zur lokalen Netzverdichtung in der FEM und Anwendungen im Bauwesen.
In: Rechnergestützte Verfahren 214, pages 78-85. VDI-Fortschrittsberichte Reihe 20
- Gabbert, U., Graeff-Weinberg, K.
The pNh-transition element concept for hp-adaptive finite elemente analysis.
In: Int. Conf. Num. Meth. and Comp. Mech. in Science and Engng., pages 24-29. Miscolc
- Kilgore, T. and Prestin, J.
Pointwise Gopengauz Estimates for Interpolation.
Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Sect. Comp. 16 (1996), 253-261 (pdf)
- Kilgore, T., Prestin, J. and Selig, K.
Orthogonal Algebraic Polynomial Schauder Bases of Optimal Degree.
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 2 (6) (1996), 597-610 (pdf)
- Kilgore, T. and Prestin, J.
Polynomial Wavelets on the Interval.
Constr. Approx. 12 (1) (1996), 95-110 (pdf)
- Modersitzki, J.
Polynomiale Iterationsverfahren zur Lösung indefiniter linearer Gleichungssysteme mit optimalen Iterierten und kurzer Rekursion
Verlag an der Lottbek, Ammersbek bei Hamburg
- Modersitzki, J. & Opfer, G.
Faber versus minimal polynomials on annular sectors
In RM Ali, R Ruscheweyh, and EB Saff, editors, Comp. Methods and Function Theory, pages 243-265
- Mattner, L. and Reinders, M.
Optimal unbiased estimators in additive models with bounded errors are deterministic
Theory of Probability and Its Applications 40, 772-777
- Dümbgen, L.
Minimax tests for convex cones.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 47, 155-165
- Dümbgen, L.
Likelihood ratio tests for principal components.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 52, 245-258
- Dümbgen, L.
A simple proof and refinement of Wielandt's eigenvalue inequality.
Statistics & Probability Letters 25, 113-115
- Allgöwer, F., Ashman, J. and Ilchmann, A.
High-gain adaptive Lambda-tracking for nonlinear systems.
Bericht A-95-15, Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Allgöwer, F. and Ilchmann, A.
Adaptive Lambda-tracking for chemical processes.
Bericht A-95-16, Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Allgöwer, F. and Ilchmann, A.
Multivariable adaptive Lambda-tracking for nonlinear chemical processes.
Proc. of the Third European Control Conf., Rom: 1645-1651
- Baszenski, G., Delvos, F.-J. and Tasche, M.
A united approach to accelerating trigonometric expansions.
Comput. Math. Appl. 30: 33-49
- Borwein, D., Borwein, J. M. and Girgensohn, R.
Explicit evaluation of Euler sums.
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 38, 277-294
- Borwein, J.M. and Girgensohn, R.
Addition theorems and binary expansions.
Canad. J. Math. 47, 262-273
- Budke, G. and Lasser, R.
A Recursive Algorithm for the Solution of Special Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations.
Bericht A-95-11, Schriftenreihe Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Connemann, B.J., Busche, H., Kreusch, J., Teichert, H.-M. and Wolff, H.H.
Quantitative Surface Topography as a Tool in the Differential Diagnosis between Melanoma and Naevus
Skin Res. and Techn. 1: 180-186
- Filbir, F. and Lasser, R.
Hamming Kernels and Approximate Identities.
Bericht A-95-23, Schriftenreihe Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Fischer, B., Ramage, A., Silvester, D. and Wathen, A.J.
Towards Parameter-Free Streamline Upwinding for Advection-Diffusion Problems
Bericht A-96-16, Schriftenreihe Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Hosel, V., Lasser, R.
A Wiener theorem for orthogonalpolynomials.
Journal of Functional Anal. 133: 395-401
- Ilchmann, A.
Universal adaptive control of nonlinear systems.
Bericht A-95-14, Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Lasser, R.
On the modified moment problem with solution carried by [-1,1].
In: Heyer, H. (ed.) Probabilitymeasures on groups and related structures XI. World Scientific Publishing: Singapore, pp 225-231
- Lasser, R.
On Lag Windows Connected with Jacobi Polynomials.
Bericht A-95-10, Schriftenreihe Institute für Informatik und Mathematik, MUL
- Lasser, R., Welzl, G.
A certain robustness for tests in the case of discrete distributions.
In: Mammitzsch, Schneewei' (eds.) Symposia Gaussiana, Conf. B. de Gruyter: Berlin, pp 239-245
- Lasser, R., Obermaier, J.
On the convergence of weighted Fourier expansions with respect to orthogonal polynomials.
Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 61: 345-355
- Nikitin, S., Ilchmann, A. and Prätzel-Wolters
Multiparameters, polynomial adaptive tracking for minimum phase systems.
Proc. of the Third European Control Conf., Rom: 1164-1669
- Plonka, G., Selig, K. and Tasche, M.
On the construction of wavelets on abounded interval.
Adv. in Comput. Math. 4: 357-388
- Plonka, G. and Tasche, M.
On the computation of periodic spline wavelets.
Appl. Comput. Harmonic Anal. 2: 1-14
- Potts, D. and Tasche, M.
Interpolatory wavelets on the sphere
in: Chui, C.K., Schumaker, L.L. (Eds.), Approximation Theory VIII, Vol. 2: Wavelets and Multilevel Approximation, World Scientific Publ., Singapore: pages 335-342.
- Ramage, A., Fischer, B., Silvester, D. and Wathen, A.
Minimum Residual Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations: Indefiniteness vs. Asymmetry
in: K. W. Morton and M. J. Baines (eds.) Numerical Methods for Fluis Dynamics V, Oxford University Press: 541-547
- Rascher-Friesenhausen, R.
Stepsize Conditions for Curved Searches.
Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik, Reihe E, Scientific Computing 7
- Tasche, M.
Periodic Spline Wavelets and Discrete Fourier Transforms.
in: Moraga, C., Gongli, Z., Zhongkan, L., Xinping, L. & Xuefang, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Spectral Techniques, Beijing, 188-194
- Tasche, M.
Polynomial wavelets on [-1,1].
in: Singh, S.P. (ed.), Approximation Theory, Wavelets and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht: 497-512
- Vieregge, P., Heinzow, B., Korf, G., Teichert, H.-M., Schleiffenbaum, P. and Mosinger, H.-U.
Long Term Exposure to Manganese in Rural Well Water Has No Neurological Effects
Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 22: 286-289
- Wathen, A., Fischer, B., Silvester, D. and Wathen, A.
The convergence rate of the minimal residual method for the Stokes problem
Num. Math. 71: 121-134
- Schuster, R.
Grundkurs Biomathematik. Mathematische Modelle in Biologie, Medizin und Pharmazie mit Computerlösungen in Mathematica.
B.G.Teubner, Stuttgart
- Gabbert, U., Graeff-Weinberg, K.
On new transition elements for hp-adaptive finite elemente analysis.
In: R. Larson and N.-E. Wiberg, editors, NSCM VII, Eight Nordic Seminar on computational Mechanics, pages XII/1-4. Göteborg
- Graeff-Weinberg, K., Berger, H.
Ein neues FE-Konzept zur Kopplung inkompatibler Vernetzungen.
Technische Mechanik, 15(3): 215-227
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E.
Time Frequency Localization of Trigonometric Hermite Operators.
in: Approximation Theory VIII, Vol. 2: Wavelets and Multilevel Approximation (Eds. C. Chui, L. Schumaker) World Scientific Publishing Co. 1995, 343-350 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Selig, K.
On the Gram Matrix of Translates of de la Vall'ee Poussin Kernels.
Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 49 (1995), 105-114 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E.
Trigonometric Interpolation and Wavelet Decompositions.
Numerical Algorithms 9 (3-4) (1995), 293-318 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Sprengel, F.
Multivariate Trigonometric Wavelet Decompositions.
Computers Math. Applic. 30 (3-6) (1995), 169-182 (pdf)
- Modersitzki, J.
Conjugate gradient type methods for solving symmetric, indefinite linear systems
Technical Report 868, Department of Mathematics, University of Utrecht
- Prestin, J., Quak, E.
Decay properties of trigonometric wavelets
in: Proceedings of the Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference, (Eds. J. D. Brown, M. T. Chu, D. C. Ellison, R. J. Plemmons) SIAM, Philadelphia, 1994, 413-415
- Prestin, J., Xu, Y.
Convergence rate for trigonometric interpolation of non-smooth functions
J. Approx. Theory 77 (2) (1994), 113-122 (pdf)
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Mean convergence of derivatives of extended Lagrange interpolation
Suppl. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo II. Ser. 33 (1994), 427-437
- Dümbgen, L.
Combinatorial stochastic processes.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 52, 75-92
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Confidence sets for a changepoint via randomization methods.
In: Change-point problems (E.Carlstein, H.-G.Mueller, D.Siegmund, eds.), 108-129, Lecture Notes - Monograph Series 23, IMS, Hayward
- Aczél, J.D. and Girgensohn, R.
On the determination of price and quantity indices and their monotonicity.
in: World Scientific Series in Applicable Analysis, vol. 3: Inequalities and Applications, World Scientific Publishers, Singapore, pp. 33-38
- Bailey, D.H., Borwein, J. M. and Girgensohn, R.
Experimental evaluation of Euler sums.
Experimental Math. 3, 17-30
- Benmiloud, M., Chaoki, M.L., Gutekunst, R., Teichert, H.-M., Wood, W.G. and Dunn, J.T.
Oral Iodized Oil for Correction Iodine Deficiency, Optimal Dosing and Outcome Indicator Selection
J. of Clin. Endocrinology and Metabolism 79: 20-24
- Borwein, J.M. and Girgensohn, R.
Functional equations and distribution functions.
Results Math. 26, 229-237
- Fischer, B. and Freund, R.
On adaptive weighted polynomial preconditioning for hermitian positive definite matrices
SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 15: 408-426
- Fischer, B. and Freund, R.
An inner product-free conjugate gradient-like algorithm for hermitian positive definite systems
in: J. Brown, M. Chu, D. Ellison and R. Plemmons (eds.) Proceedings of the Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference, SIAM: 288-290
- Girgensohn, R.
Nowhere differentiable solutions of a system of functional equations.
Aequationes Math. 47, 89-99
- Ilchmann, A. and Werner, B.
Characterization of the stability radius via bifurcation techniques.
Applicable Analysis 52: 231-246
- Ilchmann, A.
Adaptive controllers and root-loci of minimum phase systems.
Dynamics and Control 4: 203-226
- Ilchmann, A. and Ryan, E.P.
Universal Lambda-tracking for nonlinearly perturbed systems in the presence of noise.
Automatica 30: 337-346
- Ilchmann, A.
Mårtensson's adaptive stabilizer re-revisited.
Preprint 86, Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik
- Lasser, R.
Orthogonal polynomials and hypergroups II - the symmetric case.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 341: 749-770
- Lasser, R., NieÔøΩner, M., Zock, H.
Comparison of the efficiency for mean estimators in time series.
Commun. Statist.-Simula. 23: 129-141
- Logemann, H. and Ilchmann, A.
An adaptive servomechanism for a class of infinite-dimensional systems.
SIAM J. of Control and Opt. 32: 917-936
- Mackens, W., and Rascher-Friesenhausen, R.
On Curved Line Searches.
Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik, Reihe E, Scientific Computing 4
- Plonka, G. and Tasche, M.
Cardinal Hermite Spline Interpolation with Shifted Noeds.
Math. Comput. 63, 645-659
- Plonka, G. and Tasche, M.
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Trigonometric interpolation in Hölder spaces
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Approximation in periodischen Lipschitzräumen
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Trigonometrische Interpolation von Funktionen beschränkter Variation
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Über B-Produkte mit einelementiger Basismenge - eine Verallgemeinerung des cartesischen Produkts ungerichteter Graphen
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Über eine Klasse von B-Produkten ungerichteter Graphen
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