Publications - Prof. Dr. Jürgen Prestin
- Complete list (pdf)
- Publications according to Zentralblatt MATH
- ORCID (link)
- ResearcherID (link)
- Erdös number: 2
- A. Felgenhauer, H.-D. Gronau, R. Labahn, W. Ludwicki, W. Moldenhauer, J. Prestin, M.Rüsing, E. Wegert, M. Welk, Die schönsten Aufgaben der Mathematik-Olympiade in Deutschland, 300 ausgewählte Aufgaben und Lösungen der Olympiadeklassen 11 bis 13, Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2021
- Prestin, J., Semenova, Y.V. A Boolean sum interpolation for multivariate functions of bounded variation Front. Appl. Math. Stat 10:1489137 (DOI)
- Dovgoshey, O., Prestin, J., Shevchuk, I. Decomposition in direct sum of seminormed vector spaces and Mazur-Ulam theorem Math. Slovaca 74(1), 143-150 (arXiv, DOI)
- Prestin, J., Savchuk, V., Shidlich, A. Approximation on hexagonal domains by Taylor-Abel-Poisson means J. Math. Anal. Appl. 529 (2) (2024), 127536 (arXiv, DOI)
- Dovgoshey, O.A., Prestin, J., Shevchuk, I.O. Bernstein-type characterization of entire functions Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. 2023 No 1. 10-15 (DOI)
- Schober, K., Prestin, J. Analysis of directional higher order jump discontinuities with trigonometric shearlets Math. Found. Comput. 6 (1) (2023), 14-40 (arXiv, DOI)
- Kolomoitsev, Yu., Prestin, J. Approximation properties of periodic multivariate quasi-interpolation operators J. Approx. Theory 270, 105631 (2021) (arXiv, DOI)
- Schober, K., Prestin, J., Stasyuk, S.A. Edge detection with trigonometric polynomial shearlets Adv. Comput. Math. 47 (17) (2021) (preprint, Springerlink)
- Asharabi, R. M., Prestin, J. Accurate sampling formula for approximating the partial derivatives of bivariate analytic functions Numer. Algorithms 86 (2021), 1421-1441 (preprint, Springerlink)
- Annaby, M. H., Ayad, H. A., Prestin, J., Rushdi, M. A. Multiparameter discrete transforms based on discrete orthogonal polynomials and their application to image watermarking Signal Process.: Image Commun. 99 (2021) 116434 (DOI, Elsevierlink)
- Prestin, J., Veselovska, H. Prony-type polynomials and their common zeros Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 6: 16 (2020) (DOI)
- Asharabi, R. M., Prestin, J. Computing eigenpairs of two-parameter Sturm-Liouville systems using the bivariate sinc-Gauss formula Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 19 (8) (2020), 4143-4158 (DOI)
- Derevianko, N., Prestin, J. Approximation of Gaussians by spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis in the weighted Hilbert space Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 52 (2020), 249-269 (DOI)
- Prestin, J., Savchuk, V., Shidlich, A. Approximation theorems for multivariate Taylor-Abel-Poisson means Stud. Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math. 64 (3) (2019), 313-329 (arXiv, journal link)
- Krivoshein, A., Lebedeva, E., Prestin, J. A directional uncertainty principle for periodic functions Multidimensional Syst. Signal Process. 30 (2019), 1489-1515 (arXiv, Springerlink)
- Krivoshein, A., Lebedeva, E., Neiman, E., Prestin, J. Directional Heisenberg uncertainty product Math. Inequal. Appl. 22 (1) (2019), 377-399 (arXiv)
- Prestin, J., Wülker, C. Translation matrix elements for spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis functions GEM Int. J. Geomath. 10 (6) (2019) (arXiv, Springerlink)
- Derevianko, N., Myroniuk, V., Prestin, J. On an orthogonal bivariate trigonometric Schauder basis for the space of continuous functions J. Approx. Theory 238 (2019), 67-84 (pdf, Elsevierlink)
- Semenov, V., Prestin, J. Investigating the orthogonality conditions of wavelets based on Jacobi polynomials Cybern. Syst. Anal. 54 (4) (2018), 678-686 (Springerlink)
- Kolomoitsev, Y., Lomako, T., Prestin, J. On Lp-error of bivariate polynomial interpolation on the square J. Approx. Theory 229 (2018), 13-35 (arXiv)
- Bakan, A., Prestin, J. Smoothing of weights in the Bernstein approximation problem Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2), (2018), 653-667 (arXiv)
- Karabash, I. M., Prestin, J. Recovery of periodicities hidden in heavy-tailed noise Math. Nachr. 291 (1) (2018), 86-102 (pdf, Wiley online)
- Prestin, J., Savchuk, V., Shidlich, A.L. Approximation of 2π-periodic functions by Taylor- Abel-Poisson operators in the integral metric Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2017 (1), 17-20 (DOI)
- Bilet, V., Dovgoshey, O., Prestin, J. Boundedness of Lebesgue constants and interpolating Faber bases Naukovi Visti NTUU KPI 4 (2017), 7-16 (download)
- Prestin, J., Savchuk, V., Shidlich, A.L. Direct and inverse approximation theorems of 2π-periodic functions by Taylor-Abel-Poisson operators (in Ukrainian) Ukrains'kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal 69 (5), (2017), 657 - 669, english translation in Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 69 (5), (2017), 657 - 669 (arXiv, DOI)
- Derevianko, N., Myroniuk, V., Prestin, J. Characterization of local Besov spaces via wavelet basis expansions Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 3:4 (2017) (DOI)
- Prestin, J., Wülker, C. Fast Fourier transforms for spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis functions In: Novel Methods in Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 1: Frames and Other Bases in Abstract and Function Spaces, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhäuser Basel, 2017, 237-263 (Eds. I. Pesenson, Q. T. Le Gia, A. Mayeli, H. Mhaskar, and D.-X. Zhou) (Preprint)
- Kolomoitsev, Y., Lomako, T., Prestin, J. On approximation of functions by algebraic polynomials in Hölder spaces Math. Nachr. 289 (2016), 2037-2057 (pdf)
- Langemann, D., Nesteruk, I., Prestin, J. Comparison of mathematical models for the dynamics of the Chernivtsi children disease Math. Comput. Simulation 123 (2016), 68-79 (pdf)
- Asharabi, R.M., Prestin, J. On two-dimensional classical and Hermite sampling IMA J. Numer. Anal. 36 (2016), 851-871 (pdf)
- Kolomoitsev, Y., Prestin, J. Sharp estimates of approximation of periodic functions in Hölder spaces J. Approx. Theory 200 (2015), 68-91 (pdf)
- Asharabi, R.M., Prestin, J. A modification of Hermite sampling with a Gaussian multiplier Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimization 36 (2015), 419-437 (pdf)
- Bergmann, R., Prestin, J. Multivariate periodic wavelets of de la Vallé Poussin type J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 21 (2015), 342-369 (pdf)
- Bilet, V., Dovgoshey, O., Prestin, J. Two ideals connected with strong right upper porosity at a point Czech. Math. J. 65 (2015), 713-737 (pdf)
- Beckmann, J., Mhaskar, H. N., Prestin, J. Local numerical integration on the sphere GEM. Int. J. Geomath. 5 (2014), 143-162 (pdf)
- Bergmann, R., Prestin, J. Multivariate anisotropic interpolation on the torus in: Approximation Theory XIV: San Antonio 2013, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 83, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014, 27-44 (pdf)
- Lebedeva, E. A., Prestin, J. Periodic wavelet frames and time-frequency localization Appl. Comput. Harm. Anal. 37 (2014), 347-359 (pdf)
- Prestin, J., Schnieder, J. Polynomial Schauder basis of optimal degree with Jacobi orthogonality J. Approx. Theory 174 (2013), 65-89 (pdf)
- Gonska, H., Prestin, J., Tachev, G., Zhou, D.X. Simultaneous approximation by Bernstein operators in Hölder norms Math. Nachr. 286 (2013), 349-359 (pdf)
- Gonska, H., Prestin, J., Tachev, G. A new estimate for Hölder approximation by Bernstein operators Appl. Math. Lett. 26 (2013), 43-45 (pdf)
- Beckmann, J., Mhaskar, H. N., Prestin, J. Quadrature formulas for integration of multivariate trigonometric polynomials on spherical triangles GEM. Int. J. Geomath. 3 (2012), 119-138 (pdf)
- Filbir, F., Mhaskar, H. N., Prestin, J. On the problem of parameter estimation in exponential sums Constr. Approx. 35 (2012), 323-343 (preprint)
- Hielscher, R., Prestin, J., Vollrath, A. Fast summation of Functions on the rotation group Math. Geosci. 42 (2010), 773-794 (pdf)
- Langemann, D., Prestin, J. Multivariate periodic wavelet analysis Appl. Comput. Harm. Anal. 28 (2010), 46-66 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N., Narcowich, F.J., Prestin, J., Ward, J.D. Lp Bernstein estimates and approximation by spherical basis functions Math. Comp. 79 (2010), 1647-1679 [arXiv]
- Filbir, F., Mhaskar, H. N., Prestin, J. On a filter for exponentially localized kernels based on Jacobi polynomials J. Approx. Theory 160 (2009), 256-280 (pdf)
- Knopp, T., Eggers, H., Dahnke, H., Prestin, J., Senegas, J. Iterative off-resonance and signal decay correction for improved multi-echo imaging in MRI IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 28 (3) (2009), 394-404 (pdf)
- Potts, D., Prestin, J. & Vollrath, A. A Fast Algorithm for Nonequispaced Fourier Transforms on the Rotation Group Numer. Algorithms 52 (2009), 355-384 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N., Prestin, J. Polynomial operators for spectral approximation of piecewise analytic functions Appl. Comput. Harm. Anal. 26 (2009), 121-142 (pdf)
- Hielscher, R., Potts, D., Prestin, J., Schaeben, H., Schmalz, M. The Radon transform on SO(3): A Fourier slice theorem and numerical inversion in: Inverse Problems 24 (2008) 025011 (pdf)
- Schaeben, H., Hielscher, R., Fundenberger, J.-J., Potts, D., Prestin, J. Successive computations of an ODF while measuring its corresponding PDFs with respect to progressively locally refined spherical grids in: Proceedings IAMG'2007, Beijing, August 26-31, 2007 (Eds. P. Zhao, F. Agterberg, Q. Chen), 48-50 (pdf)
- Schaeben, H., Hielscher, R., Fundenberger, J.-J., Potts, D., Prestin, J. Orientation density function-controlled pole probability density function measurements: automated adaptive control of texture goniometers J. Appl. Cryst. 40 (2007), 570-579 (pdf)
- v.d. Boogart, K.G., Hielscher, R., Prestin, J., Schaeben, H. Kernel-based methods for inversion of the Radon transform on SO(3) and their applications to texture analysis J. Comput. Appl. Math. 199 (2007), 122-140 (pdf)
- Khabiboulline, R. and Prestin, J. Asymptotic formulas for the frame coefficients generated by Laguerre and Hermite type polynomials Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inf. Process. 4 (3) (2006), 415-431 (pdf)
- Prestin, J., Rosca, D. On some cubature formulas on the sphere J. Approx. Theory 142 (2006), 1-19 (pdf)
- Keiner, J. and Prestin, J. A Fast Algorithm for Spherical Basis Approximation in: Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation (Eds. N.K. Govil et. al.), Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006, 259-286 (preprint)
- Lain Fernandez, N. and Prestin, J. Interpolatory Band-limited Wavelet Bases on the Sphere Constr. Approx. 23 (1) (2006), 79-101 (pdf)
- Hielscher, R., Bernstein, S., Schaeben, H. , v.d. Boogaart, K.G., Beckmann, J., Prestin, J. PDF-to-ODF inversion by approximation with spherical radial basis functions in: Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 14, Materials Science Forum 495-497 (2005), 313-318, (published version)
- Schaeben, H., Bernstein, S., Hielscher, R., Beckmann, J., Keiner, J., Prestin, J. High Resolution Texture Analysis with Spherical Wavelets in: Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 14, Materials Science Forum 495-497 (2005), 245-254, (published version)
- Mhaskar, H. N. and Prestin, J. On local smoothness classes of periodic functions J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 11 (3) (2005), 353-373 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N., Prestin, J. Polynomial frames: a fast tour in: Approximation Theory XI: Gatlinburg 2004 (Eds. C. K. Chui, M. Neamtu, L. L. Schumaker), Nashboro Press, Brentwood, TN, 2005, 287-318 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E. Periodic and Spline Multiresolution Analysis and the Lifting Scheme in: Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling (Eds. N.A. Dogson, M.S. Floater, M.A. Sabin), Springer-Verlag, 2005, 369-390 (pdf)
- Prestin, J., Quak, E., Rauhut, H. and Selig, K. On the connection of uncertainty principles for functions on the circle and on the real line J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 9 (4) (2003), 387-409 (pdf)
- Lain Fernandez, N. and Prestin, J. Localization of the Spherical Gauss-Weierstrass Kernel in: Constructive Function Theory, Varna 2002, (B. Bojanov, Ed.), DARBA, Sofia, Preprint A-02-18
- Conrad, M. and Prestin, J. Multiresolution on the Sphere Summer School Lecture Notes on Principles of Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling (Summer School, Munich, August 22-30, 2001) A.Iske, E.Quak, M.S.Floater (eds.) , 165-202 (pdf) (additional matlab files)
- Prestin, J. and Quak E. On the arclength of trigonometric interpolants. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx. 30 (2) (2001), 219-227 (pdf)
- Schaeben, H., Potts, D. and Prestin, J. Spherical Wavelets with an application in preferred crystallographic orientation in: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, Cancun, Mexico. (full paper pdf)
- Prestin, J. Trigonometric Wavelets in: Wavelets and Allied Topics, (Eds. P.K. Jain et al), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 2001, 191-223 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Selig, K.K. On a constructive representation of an orthogonal trigonometric Schauder basis for $C_{2\pi}$ Siegfried Prössdorf Memorial Volume, Oper. Theory, Adv. Appl.,Vol.121, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2001, 402-425 (pdf)
- Schaeben, H., Prestin, J. and Potts, D. Wavelet representation of diffraction pole figures in: Advances in X-ray Analysis 44, Proceedings of the 49th Denver X-ray Conference, Denver 2000, 235-240. (full paper pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N., Narcowich, F.J., Prestin, J. and Ward, D.J. Polynomial frames on the sphere. Adv. Comput. Math. 13 (4) (2000), 387-403 (pdf)
- Girgensohn, R. and Prestin, J. Lebesgue constants for an orthogonal polynomial Schauder basis. Computational Analysis and Applications 2 (2) (2000), 159-175 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J. Polynomial frames for the detection of singularities. in: Wavelet Analysis and Multiresolution Methods (Ed. Tian-Xiao He), Marcel Dekker 2000, 273-298 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J. On the detection of singularities of a periodic function. Advances in Computational Mathematics 12 (2-3) (2000), 95-131 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J. On a sequence of fast decreasing polynomial operators. in: Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials (Eds. W. Gautschi, G.H. Golub, G. Opfer) Internat. Ser. Numer. Math. Vol. 131, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1999, 165-178 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E. Optimal Functions for a Periodic Uncertainty Principle and Multiresolution Analysis Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 42 (2) (1999), 225-242 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J. On a build-up polynomial frame for the detection of singularities. in: Self-Similar Systems, Proceedings of the International Workshop (July 30 - August 7, 1998, Dubna, Russia) (Eds. V.B. Priezzhev and V.P. Spiridonov), JINR, E5-99-38, Dubna, 1999, 98-109 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J. Bounded Quasi-Interpolatory Polynomial Operators. J. Approx. Theory 96 (1999), 67 - 85 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J. On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund-Type Inequalities. in: Approximation Theory: In Memory of A.K. Varma (Eds. N.K. Govil, R.N. Mohapatra, Z. Nashed, A. Sharma and J. Szabados), Marcel Dekker 1998, 389-403 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Selig, K. Interpolatory and Orthonormal Trigonometric Wavelets. in: Signal and Image Representation in Combined Spaces, (Eds. J. Zeevi, R. Coifman) Academic Press 1998, 201-255 (pdf)
- Kilgore, T., Prestin, J. and Selig, K. Polynomial Wavelets and Wavelet Packet Bases. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 33 No. 4 (1997), 419-431 preprint 96/4 Universität Rostock (pdf)
- Fischer, B. and Prestin, J. Wavelets Based on Orthogonal Polynomials Math. Comp. 66 No. 220 (1997), 1593-1618 preprint 96/1 Universität Rostock (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Stosiek, A. Approximation in Hölder norms with higher order differences. Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 51 (1997), 33-50 (pdf)
- Bittner, K., Chui, C.K. and Prestin, J. Multivariate cosine wavelets. in: Multivariate Approximation and Splines (Eds. G. Nürnberger, J. W. Schmidt, G. Walz), ISNM 125, Birkhäuser Basel 1997, 29-43 preprint 97/1 Universität Rostock (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Sprengel, F. An Orthonormal Bivariate Algebraic Polynomial Basis for $C(I^2)$ of Low Degree. in: Multivariate Approximation: Recent Trends and Results (Eds. W. Haussmann, K. Jetter, M. Reimer) Mathematical Research, Vol. 101, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1997, 177-188 (pdf)
- Mhaskar, H.N. and Prestin, J. On a Choice of Sampling Nodes for Optimal Approximation of Smooth Functions by Generalized Translation Networks. in: Artificial Neural Networks, 7-9 July 1997, Conference Publication No. 440, IEE, 1997, 210-215 (pdf)
- Kilgore, T. and Prestin, J. Pointwise Gopengauz Estimates for Interpolation. Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Sect. Comp. 16 (1996), 253-261 (pdf)
- Kilgore, T., Prestin, J. and Selig, K. Orthogonal Algebraic Polynomial Schauder Bases of Optimal Degree. J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 2 (6) (1996), 597-610 (pdf)
- Kilgore, T. and Prestin, J. Polynomial Wavelets on the Interval. Constr. Approx. 12 (1) (1996), 95-110 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E. Time Frequency Localization of Trigonometric Hermite Operators. in: Approximation Theory VIII, Vol. 2: Wavelets and Multilevel Approximation (Eds. C. Chui, L. Schumaker) World Scientific Publishing Co. 1995, 343-350 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Selig, K. On the Gram Matrix of Translates of de la Vall'ee Poussin Kernels. Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 49 (1995), 105-114 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E. Trigonometric Interpolation and Wavelet Decompositions. Numerical Algorithms 9 (3-4) (1995), 293-318 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Sprengel, F. Multivariate Trigonometric Wavelet Decompositions. Computers Math. Applic. 30 (3-6) (1995), 169-182 (pdf)
- Prestin, J., Quak, E. Decay properties of trigonometric wavelets in: Proceedings of the Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference, (Eds. J. D. Brown, M. T. Chu, D. C. Ellison, R. J. Plemmons) SIAM, Philadelphia, 1994, 413-415
- Prestin, J., Xu, Y. Convergence rate for trigonometric interpolation of non-smooth functions J. Approx. Theory 77 (2) (1994), 113-122 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. Mean convergence of derivatives of extended Lagrange interpolation Suppl. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo II. Ser. 33 (1994), 427-437
- Kilgore, T. and Prestin, J. A Theorem of Gopengauz Type with Added Interpolatory Conditions. Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz. 15 (7-8) (1994), 859-868 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. and Quak, E. A Duality Principle for Trigonometric Wavelets. in: Wavelets, Images and Surface Fitting, (Eds. P. J. Laurent, A. Le M'ehaut'e, L. L. Schumaker) AKPeters, Boston, 1994, 407-418 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. Lagrange interpolation on extended generalized Jacobi nodes Numerical Algorithms 5 (1-4) (1993), 179-190
- Prestin, J. Lagrange interpolation for functions of bounded variation Acta Math. Hung. 62 (1-2) (1993), 1-13
- Prestin, J., Quak, E. On interpolation and best one-sided approximation by splines in Lp in: Approximation Theory, (Ed. G. Anastassiou). Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 138 (1992) , 409-420
- Prestin, J. Best approximation and interpolation in algebraic Hölder norms in: Coll. Math. Soc. Jan. Bolyai 58: Approximation Theory, Kecskemét 1990, (Eds. J. Szabados, K. Tandori) Budapest Jan. Bolyai Math. Soc. 1991 and Amsterdam-Oxford-New York: North Holland Publ. Comp. 1991, 583-590
- Prestin, J. Periodic spline interpolation of functions of bounded variation in: Curves and Surfaces, (Eds. P. J. Laurent, A. Le Méhauté, L. L. Schumaker) Academic Press, New York, 1991, 383-386
- Kilgore, T. Prestin, J. On the order of convergence of simultaneous approximation by Lagrange-Hermite interpolation Math. Nachr. 150 (1991) , 143-150 (pdf)
- Prestin, J., Prößdorf Error estimates in generalized trigonometric Hölder-Zygmund norms Z. Anal. Anwend. 9 (4) (1990), 343-349
- Prestin, J. Mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation in: Seminar Analysis, Operator Equat. and Numer. Anal. 1988/89, Karl-Weierstraß-Institut für Mathematik, Berlin 1989, 75-86
- Prestin, J., Tasche, M. Trigonometric interpolation for bivariate functions of bounded variation in: Approximation and Function Spaces, Banach Center Publ., Vol. 22, PWN, Warsaw 1989, 309-321
- Prestin, J. Trigonometric interpolation in Hölder spaces J. Approx. Theory 53 (2) (1988), 145-154 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. Trigonometric approximation by Euler means in: Constructive Theory of Functions (Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Constr. Theory of Functions, Varna 1987, Ed. B. Sendov) Sofia 1988, 382-389
- Prestin, J. Über die Approximation durch trigonometrische Polynome in Lipschitz Normen in: Extremalaufgaben, Funktionalanalysis und ihre Anwendungen (Hrsg. P. L. Uljanov, V. M. Tichomirov) (russ.) Izd. Moskov. Univ. 1988, 45-48
- Prestin, J. Approximation in periodischen Lipschitzräumen Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 35 (1988), 77-78
- Prestin, J. On the approximation by de la Vallée Poussin sums and interpolatory polynomials in Lipschitz norms Analysis Math. 13 (3) (1987), 251-259
- Prestin, J. Best approximation in Lipschitz spaces in: Coll. Math. Soc. Jan. Bolyai 49: Alfred Haar Memorial Conf. (Eds. J. Szabados, K. Tandori) Budapest Jan. Bolyai Math. Soc. 1987 and Amsterdam-Oxford-New York: North Holland Publ. Comp. 1987, 753-759 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. Trigonometrische Interpolation von Funktionen beschränkter Variation Math. Nachr. 122 (1985), 29-43 (pdf)
- Prestin, J. Trigonometric interpolation of functions of bounded variation in: Constructive Theory of Functions (Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Constr. Theory of Functions, Varna 1984, Ed. B. Sendov) Sofia 1984, 699-703
- Prestin, J., Tasche, M. Fourier operational calculus Serdica 9 (1983), 309-320
- Gronau, H.-D. O. F., Prestin, J. Some results on designs with repeated blocks Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 21 (1982), 15-37