Publications - PD Dr. Christian Bey
- Bey, Ch.
An intersection theorem for systems of finite sets
Discrete Appl. Math. 216, No.3 (Levon Khachatrian's Legacy in Extremal Combinatorics), 524-528 (2017) (.pdf)
- Bey, Ch., Henk, M., Henze, M. and Linke, E.
Notes on lattice points of zonotopes and lattice-face polytopes
Discrete Math. 311, 634-644 (2011) (.pdf)
- Averkov, G., Bey, Ch.
Description of polygonal regions by polynomials of bounded degree
Monatsh. Math. 162, 19-27 (2011) (.pdf)
- Bey, Ch., Kyureghyan, G.
On Boolean functions with the sum of every two of them being bent
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 49 (Coding and Cryptography. In Memory of Hans Dobbertin), 341-346 (2008) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch.
The edge-diametric theorem in Hamming spaces
Discrete Appl. Math. 156, 1510-1517 (2008) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch., Henk, M. and Wills, J. M.
Notes on the roots of Ehrhart polynomials
Discrete Comput. Geom. 38, 81-98 (2007) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch.
Remarks on an edge isoperimetric problem
R. Ahlswede et al. (Eds.), General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics, LNCS, vol. 4123, pp. 971-978 (2006) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch.
On cross intersecting families of sets
Graphs and Combinatorics 21, 161-168 (2005) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch.
Polynomial LYM inequalities
Combinatorica 25, No. 1, 19-38 (2005) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch.
An upper bound on the sum of squares of degrees in a hypergraph
Discrete Math. 269, No. 1-3, 259-263 (2003) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch., Engel, K., Katona, Gy. O. H. and Leck, U.
On the average size of sets in intersecting Sperner families
Discrete Math. 257 (Kleitman and Combinatorics: A Celebration), No. 2-3, 259-266 (2002) (.pdf)
- Bey, Ch., Hartmann, S., Leck, U. and Leck, V.
Orthogonal double covers by super-extendable cycles
J. Combin. Des. 10, No. 5, 283-293 (2002) (.pdf, .ps)
- Ahlswede, R., Bey, Ch., Engel, K. and Khachatrian, L. H.
The t-intersection problem in the truncated Boolean lattice
European. J. Combin. 23, No. 5, 471-487 (2002) (.pdf)
- Bey, Ch.
An intersection theorem for weighted sets
Discrete Math. 235, No. 1-3, 145-150 (2001) (.pdf)
- Bey, Ch., Engel, K.
Old and new results for the weighted t-intersection problem via AK-methods
I. Althöfer et al. (Eds.), Numbers, information and complexity (Bielefeld, 1998), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 45-74 (2000) (.pdf, .ps)
- Bey, Ch., Engel, K.
An asymptotic complete intersection theorem for chain products
European J. Combin. 20, No. 5, 321-327 (1999) (.pdf)
- Bey, Ch.
The Erdös-Ko-Rado bound for the function lattice
Discrete Appl. Math. 95, No. 1-3, 115-125 (1999) (.pdf)
- Bey, Ch.
On incidence matrices of finite affine geometries
Ars Combin. 47, 313-317 (1997) (.pdf)